
  • 网络Electronic voltmeter;vtvm
  1. 电子电压表各档量程选择与测量误差分析

    The Grade Choices for Electronics Voltage Meter and the Testing Error Analysis

  2. 用电子电压表进行测量时会带来一定的误差。

    It will bring some errors when using electronic voltage meter to measure instruments .

  3. 电子电压表校准仪的研制

    The Development of Electronic Voltmeter Normalizing Device

  4. 该校准仪是用于校准各种电子电压表基本误差的专用标准仪器,具有定点频率下正弦波信号输出的标准电压源。

    This normalizing device is a standard instrument used to calibrate the intrinsic errors of the various kinds of electronic voltmeters .

  5. 正确了解电子电压表的特点以及误差形成原因,掌握正确的测量技术和方法,就可以减小测量误差。

    To know features of electronic voltage meter and reasons of error formation correctly and to master the measuring technology and measuring methods will help to reduce some measuring errors .

  6. 高压有功电能表的接线判断及电量追退甚高频电子管电压表

    Wiring Estimate and Electric Quantity Compensate for High Voltage Electric Energy Meter ; VHF vacuum-tube voltmeter