
ǒu jí tiān xiàn
  • dipole antenna
  1. 报道了用半绝缘GaAs材料研制的光电导偶极天线在飞秒激光脉冲触发下辐射THz电磁波的实验结果。

    Experiments of terahertz generation with semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive dipole antenna triggered by femto-second laser pulses are reported .

  2. 这对用光电导偶极天线产生大功率THz辐射的发展具有十分重要的指导意义。

    It is important to design the new experiments to generate high-power THz radiation by using of photoconductive dipole antenna .

  3. 光电导体中瞬态空间电荷电场对光电导开关及THz光电导偶极天线的影响

    Influence of Space-charge Field in Photoconductor to Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches and THz Photoconductor Antenna

  4. 本文运用任意波形发生器(AWG),在TEM小室中激励不同形式的脉冲电场,对自行研制的偶极天线测量系统的灵敏度进行了校准实验。

    In this paper , an arbitrary waveform generator ( AWG ) is used to generate multi-waveform electric field in the TEM cell and the dipole antenna pulsed electric field sensor is calibrated .

  5. 设计、计算一种工作在VHF波段的锯齿形振子构成的对数周期天线,并将之与一般的对数周期偶极天线进行比较。

    One kind of Log-Periodic Antenna which is made up of zigzag dipole is designed and calculated in VHF channel and that it is comparied with the normal Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna .

  6. 论文第三章研究了两种纳米金属结构光偶极天线(ODA)模型的远场特性。

    Research on the far-field characteristics of two kinds of nano-metallic ODA in chapter 3 . Firstly , two kinds of optical dipole antenna models are described in this chapter .

  7. 文中利用FDTD方法及一种新的馈源设置方法研究了近地面平面蝶形偶极天线模拟问题,从而给出一种简单,高效的模拟手段。

    A simple and effective approach is presented in this paper for the simulation of bow tie antenna placed above the ground by a combination of the FDTD methods and a novel method for feeding the bow tie antenna .

  8. 本文给出了用三项理论设计对数周期偶极天线(以下简称LPDA)的计算机程序,它能快速地设计出该天线的各几何参数和电参数,并可进行优化。

    A computer program is given for log-periodic dipole antenna ( LPDA ) design with the " Three-Term " theory . The program can quickly design and optimize physical or electrical parameters of LPDA .

  9. 研究发现光偶极天线的远场变化规律跟传统的偶极天线类似,但由于高阶LSPs的影响,光偶极天线远场图样更快地出现了旁瓣。

    Research show that far-field characteristic of optical dipole antenna is similar to conventional dipole antenna , and its far-field pattern will be faster appear side lobes owing to the effect of high-order LSPs .

  10. 采用矩量法结合离散复镜像法求解近地对数周期偶极天线的电流分布,用基于驻相法的远场Sommerfeld积分近似公式求解辐射场。

    The paper applies the moment method and discrete complex image method to determine the distribution current of log periodic antennas over a ground plane , applies the far field approximation of the Sommerfeld integral based on the stationary phase method to determine the radiation patterns .

  11. 并联介质加载折叠臂偶极天线的辐射特性

    Radiation Characteristics of Arm - folded Dipole Antenna Loaded Parallel Dielectric

  12. 平板宽带单极与偶极天线的全波分析

    Full wave analysis of the wide band monopole and dipole antennas

  13. 层状媒质上有限长度偶极天线的辐射场

    The Radiation Field of Finite Length Dipole Antenna on Layer Medium

  14. 近地对数周期偶极天线的分析

    Analysis of the Log-periodic Dipole Antennas over a Ground Plane

  15. 连续电阻加载偶极天线的电流分布

    The Current Distribution on an Antenna with Continuous Resistive Loading

  16. 有限尺寸导电平板近旁偶极天线的时域辐射特性

    Time Domain Radiation Characteristics of a Dipole Near a Finite Conducting Plate

  17. 对数周期偶极天线的一种新的分析方法

    A New Method for Analyzing the Log Periodic Dipole Antenna

  18. 近地面平面蝶形偶极天线模拟及应用

    Simulation of Bow tie antennas above ground and its applications

  19. 加载偶极天线的脉冲辐射特性矩量法分析

    Method-of-Moments Analysis of Pulse Radiation Characteristic of Loaded Dipole Antenna

  20. 光学天线是传统偶极天线在光频段的类似物,它可以在光频波段对传播光与局域场进行有效的相互转换。

    Optical antenna is the analogue of traditional dipole antenna at optical frequencies .

  21. 偶极天线在圆波导中的辐射

    Radiation from Dipole Antenna in a Circular Waveguide

  22. 加载偶极天线的脉冲散射特性研究

    Research on Transient Scattering Properties of Dipole Antennas

  23. 有介质覆盖层的微带偶极天线的辐射场和所激励的表面波

    On radiation field and surface wave excited by microstrip dipole antenna with dielectrical cover

  24. 对数周期偶极天线研究

    Study of Log Periodic Dipole Antenna s

  25. 阻容加载偶极天线的宽带性能及效率分析

    Analysis of wide-b and properties and efficiency for dipole antennas with resistive and capacitive loadings

  26. 弧向相切圆族的计算偶极天线在圆波导中的辐射

    Computation for the Family of Arcwise Tangent Disks Radiation from Dipole Antenna in a Circular Waveguide

  27. 对数周期偶极天线的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of LPDA

  28. 对对数周期偶极天线和导线天线的基本理论和分析方法进行了概述。

    The essential theory and major methods for analyzing log-periodic dipole antennas and wire antennas are summarized .

  29. 脉冲电压电流沿偶极天线传播过程的等效电路法分析

    Analysis of the propagating properties of pulse voltage and current on dipole antennas by equivalent circuit method

  30. 计算偶极天线之辐射场型随频率之变化。

    The frequency response of radiation pattern of a linear dipole antenna by Hertz dipoles field summation approximation .