
ǒu yī
  • occasionally;once in a while;on a rare occasion;accidentally
偶一 [ǒu yī]
  • [by accident;once in a while] 偶尔一次;次数极少的

  • 这两年很难再遇上他,偶一碰到,也只是打个招呼而已

  1. 给偶一个纸盘。

    I need a paper plate .

  2. 2005年一月的最后一天,偶一个人呆在房间里。

    On the last day of Jan , 2005 , I sat in my room alone .

  3. 你的安排如何,我们安排和困它开个会议,给偶一个答复,虚伪一记。

    How about your schedule , we arrange a meeting with Quanta , give me a feedback , thanks !

  4. 这么明白呢,偶一看您就是又经历过风雨考验又经过实战演习了!

    While you meet something beautiful , the first thing you should do is to share it with your friends anywhere .

  5. 这里出现了一个问题,每个公司在根据品牌资产来评估偶一公司的价值时,所涉及的元素互不相同。

    That appears to be a problem , because when valuating a company 's worth based on its brand-asset portfolio , many elements differ from company to company .

  6. 混合偶合法一步合成活性黑染料

    Synthesis of Reactive Black Dyes by One-Bath Mix - coupling

  7. 电子―正电子偶经过一个不可测量的短暂时间间隔后就重新复合。

    After an immeasurably short time interval , the electron-positron pair recombine .

  8. 明年偶还有一次机会参观这个展览会。

    I 'll have another opportunity to visit the exhibition next year .

  9. 差集偶是一类新的组合设计,一类特殊的差集偶与最佳二进阵列偶是等价的。

    Perfect binary sequence pair constitutes a generalization of perfect binary sequence , difference set pair is its corresponding combinatorial configuration .

  10. 女人常常感到被忽略,她们很在乎赞美的话,或偶乐一束鲜花这些表示夫妻之间仍然很在乎的小事情。

    Often wives are the ones who feel neglected and miss little things , such as compliments or an occasional bouquet of flowers , that show their mates still care .

  11. 给出一般情形下关于导出偶的一个结果,然后用谱序列的极限项刻划了可换凝聚环(或可换凝聚局部环)上有限表现模的投射维数。

    Result on the derived couples is obtained , then with the limit of spectral sequences the projective dimension of a finitely presented module over a commutative coherent ring ( or commutative coherent quasi-local ring ) is characterized .

  12. 完全偶图的一类(1,2)因子分解

    A Class of ( 1,2 ) & Factorizations of a Complete Graph

  13. 昨天偶练了一小时球然后跟胡安罗克跑了半小时步。

    Yesterday I practiced for one hour and then went for30-minute run with Juan reque .

  14. 销售瓷偶与创立一家云计算公司看似两种截然不同的技能。

    Selling porcelain figurines and starting a cloud computing company may seem like rather different skills .

  15. 这三部动画片都是偶动画,一部是钢架和塑胶制作,另两部则是布偶动画。

    These three animation are stop-motion Animations , one is Steel skeleton and plastic production , the other two are puppets animation .

  16. 而且它们都是行为而不是结构,因此是由大脑控制的,也许还是寻偶想法的一部分。

    And since they are behaviours rather than structures , and thus controlled by the brain , they may be part of the mating mind .

  17. 近年来,人们又开始研究用两个序列组成的序列偶来形成一个最佳信号,由此来扩展最佳信号的存在空间。

    Recently , people have used the sequence pairs which consist of two sequences to make up the perfect signals , in order to expand the space which the perfect signal exist .

  18. 本文给出了偶阶幻方的一个统一构造方法

    This paper put forward a unified construction of even order magic squares

  19. 情报语言以及图书情报之杂思偶想录(一)

    Random Thoughts on Information Language and Library and Information Science ( Part 1 )

  20. 是翡翠中的中上档、偶见上档的一个品种。

    Is the emerald in the middle and upper file occasionally when on a species .

  21. 下腔静脉偶可导致另一压迹。结论:十二指肠横部血管压迹,为腹主动脉压迫所致,称其为十二指肠腹主动脉压迹较为准确。

    Conclusion : The vascular impression of the horizontal part of duodenum is caused by abdominal aorta .

  22. 金之精炼&人性的精炼告诉了魔偶如何像人类一分子般行走在他们之中。

    Aurum & The Refinement of Mortality teaches a Promethean how to move among humans as if he were one of them .

  23. 他的人生还没真正交过好运美偶给了他一个机会我喜欢

    he hasn 't had any real breaks in his life , and this have given him a shot , so I like that

  24. 这门现在关着,偶或闪开了一条缝,便有醉人的脂粉香和细碎的笑语声从缝里逃出来。

    It was closed , but whenever it opened an inch or two an intoxicating perfume and silvery laughter escaped through the crack .

  25. 首先通过考察霹雳布袋戏的艺术形态,将其归为偶动画中的一种,并总结了其艺术特点。

    First , through the research of the art formation of PiLi Drama , these dissertation summaries its art features and classifies it into puppet animation .

  26. 本文的目的是提出可列非齐次马氏链关于状态序偶出现频率的一个强大数定律。

    The purpose of this paper is to present a strong law of large numbers on countable non-homogeneous Markov chains related to the frequency occurrence of the ordered couples of states .

  27. 作为这一类强极限定理的推论得到了状态和状态序偶出现频率的一类强极限定理。

    As corollaries , we obtain some strong limit theorems for the frequencies of occurrence of states and ordered couples of states for the even-odd Markov chain fields and Markov chain fields .

  28. 这样的码偶具有能将码偶中的一方码与另一方码的并元移位区分开来的特性。

    These code pairs have the properties that one part of the codes in code pairs is distinguished from the other part of the codes .

  29. 我们研究了定向二部图的得分表偶,并且得到了关于非负整数表偶是某个定向二部图的得分表偶的一个刻划。

    In this paper , the scores of oriented bipartite graphs are characterized and a criterion for a pair of lists of non-negative integers to be the scores of some oriented bipartite graph is obtained .

  30. 一个字节的每一位表示上一层序列偶向下生成序列偶的八种情况:即存储的数据,不是生成的序列偶本身,而是该序列偶的一种表示方法。

    That is , the data stored are not the sequence pairs themselves , but a symbol method .