
  1. 偶们要把这件斗篷带去给Manny

    We 're taking this poncho to manny at school .

  2. 偶们创办3A时木有神马计划,只有一个念头,想做些玩具。

    When we started3A , there was no plan , just an idea to make some toys .

  3. 要让他知道偶们是支持他的

    It 's important that he knows that we support him .

  4. 偶们调查的人中大约有四分之一的人失去了孩子。

    About a quarter of the people we surveyed had lost children .

  5. 偶们要求他们给个确切的答复。

    We demanded them to give us a definite answer .

  6. 偶们能保证不会再出现这样的问题。

    We can guarantee that it won 't happen again .

  7. 这个问题偶们本来是可以更合理得解决的。

    We could have solved the problem in a more reasonable fashion .

  8. 这是偶们的全自动化工厂。

    This is the most fully-automated factory we have .

  9. 这里的生活似乎比偶们国家的更稳定些。

    W2 : Life here seems more stable than life in my country .

  10. 乔模拟闻名政治家的即兴表演让偶们乐得前仰后合。

    Joe 's imitation of famous politicians had us rolling in the aisles .

  11. 然后偶们才去按摩

    And then we go get those massages .

  12. 偶们已经把火控制住了。

    We 've got the fire under control .

  13. 偶们宁愿用小箱子包装。

    We prefer packing in smaller cases .

  14. 然后偶们跑跑步做了些力量练习。

    Afterwards we ran and did weights .

  15. 地富反坏、美帝搜狗想舀走一瓢偶们滴幸福?

    The bad rich , beautiful emperor to take a scoop scoop for our happiness ?

  16. 能否告知假如偶们听不清的时候能不能转动电视或者移动电视。

    Can you tell me if we can change the TV remote for ear buds .

  17. 偶们进了乔纳森的房间,走到墙角钉着木板的-地方。

    We went into Jonathan 's room and into the corner where the wood panel is nailed into place .

  18. 那太棒了,偶们就到旅馆餐厅吃点东西,偶有点累了。

    That sounds good . Let 's get something at the hotel restaurant . I feel a little tired .

  19. 大少的虫子无孔不入,强势的很,偶们的兰兰真是‘悲’呀!

    The big little insect son penetrates everywhere , pre-eminent of very , accidentally of orchid orchid be really'sad'ah !

  20. 对于不合理的索赔要求偶们是果断的不会接受,相对你们的失望偶们也感到很失望。

    We firmly refused to accept any unreasonable damage statement , relatively we also feel very disappointed as your disappointment .

  21. 等齐休息好的全体驴友后偶们就顺着金岩旁的山路向韩妃江下游走去了。

    We waited and rested further and gathered all hikingmates , we went down stream alone the river of Princess Han .

  22. 好了,让偶们言归正传,回到乍样变得富有这个问题上来。你可能不会在电视游戏节目中赢取数百万。

    OK , back to getting rich . How ? Hmm , you probably won 't win millions on a game show .

  23. 偶们看够了,临走,还叮咛那白衣农夫,不要伤了那红鲤。

    Enjoying the meeting , we left and before we left , we reminded the farmer wearing white not to hurt the red carp .

  24. 而对其具有影响力的一个根据是:名人夫妇之间的关系能够挺过“不忠”这一难关,这喻示着配偶们在受到欺骗时的反应不再像前几年那么激烈了。

    One influencing factor is celebrity relationships that have survived infidelity , suggesting that spouses are reacting less aggressively to cheating than in previous years .

  25. 偶们在韩妃村的小店里稍事休息,便来到韩妃庙参观和拜谒韩妃娘娘。

    We took a rest at one village shop in Village of Princess Han , and then went to visit Princess Han in her temple .

  26. 热效应会对这些亚高山带的草原产生剧烈的影响,造成偶们非常珍惜的开花类植物的减少。

    That heating effect will induce dramatic effects on these subalpine meadows , causing loss of plant seed we especially value here , the flowering plants .

  27. 假如说偶们上次的产品你们是可以接受的,那么偶们肯定的说这次的产品板面比上次的还好。

    If the previous products can be accepted , then we can assure you that the panel of this time products is much better than last time .

  28. 问题是,偶们想用直升机来进行救援,但是所谓的气流下洗,直升飞机下面的湍流使偶们根本无法从上面接近。

    Problem was we wanted to save them with a helicopter , but the so-called downwash , the turbulence under the helicopter made it impossible to get close from above .

  29. 偶们沿着常走的路回家,车开到一处急转弯时,偶们看到雾气中有一个穿着长大衣的瘦弱身影。

    We were on our regular route home when rounding one of the sharp curves , there in the midst of the fog stood a slender figure in a long overcoat .

  30. 男士:这个时候他们觉得奥斯卡又有诚望了,偶们又能回来聚到一起了,这真是个可以使人们迅速投入到对奥斯卡的憧憬中的信号啊。

    MAN : They are looking like the Oscar hopefully as this moment we can all come back together again and it really would be a sign presto really man fancies very quickly .