
  • 网络azodicarbonamide;adc;ADCA
  1. 偶氮二甲酰胺(发泡剂ADC)是橡塑制品中使用最广泛的有机发泡剂。

    Azodicarbonamide ( ADC blowing agent ) is a kind of widely used organic foaming agent in rubber and plastic products .

  2. 偶氮二甲酰胺粒度测试技术探讨

    Study of Particle Size Testing Technology of the Azodicarbonamide

  3. V2O5催化氧化联二脲合成偶氮二甲酰胺

    Oxidation of biurea to Azodicarbonamide by catalyst v_2o_5

  4. 发泡助剂如氧化锌和硬脂酸锌的加入能有效地降低偶氮二甲酰胺(简称AC)的分解温度,改善发泡效果。

    The decomposing temperature of azodicarbonamide ( AC ) could be decreased and the frothing effect was improved by blowing promoter .

  5. 以聚丙烯及偶氮二甲酰胺(AC发泡剂)为主要原料,用注塑成型方法生产一种低发泡塑料鞋跟。

    With PP and AC foaming agent as base materials , a kind of low foamed plastics shoe heel was manufactured by injection moulding .

  6. 对发泡剂偶氮二甲酰胺(AC)进行改性分析,讨论了各种复合发泡剂对发泡材料性能和泡孔结构的影响,并对不同复合发泡剂获得的材料性能和泡孔结构进行比较。

    It analyzed modification about blowing agent AC and discussed effects of various compound blowing agents on foaming material , and also made comparison in property and bubble structure by different blowing agents .

  7. 着重论述国内偶氮二甲酰胺(AC)发泡剂的生产发展状况、生产工艺改进、产品应用现状及开发重点。

    The status of the production development , the production process improvement , the present status of the product application and the focal developing point of the azodicarbonamide foaming agent in China were emphatically described .

  8. 通过差示量热扫描分析(DSC)考察了偶氮二甲酰胺(AC)、NaHCO3及AC/NaHCO3/PVC稳定剂共混物的热分解特性。

    AC , NaHCO_3 and blends of AC / NaHCO_3 / stabilizing agents were investigated by DSC . Research on the Retrogradation of Rice flour Pastes with Differential Scanning Calorimetry ( DSC )

  9. 在普通的偶氮二甲酰胺(AC发泡剂)中按不同的质量配比加入不同的添加剂制得了改性AC发泡剂,测定了最大发气量和突发温度,探索出改性AC发泡剂产品的配方。

    Modified azodicarbonamide ( MAC ) was obtained by blending different additives with the single AC blowing agent in different mass ratios , the maximum decomposition gas volume and the outburst temperature were measured and some proper formulations were found out .

  10. 用钌钛金属阳极在含有Cl和Br-离子的酸性溶液中进行电解氧化联二脲制备偶氮二甲酰胺,获得产品得率为9398%、纯度为99.6%、电流效率为88-92%。

    Azodicarbonamide has been prepared by the electrolytic oxidation of biurea in an acid solution of Cl-and Br - with a high purity of 99.6 % . The Yield is 93-98 % and the current effeciency is 88-92 % .

  11. 改性发泡剂偶氮二甲酰胺的研究进展

    Development in Study of Modification of Blowing Agent Azodicarbonamide

  12. 联二脲氧化生成偶氮二甲酰胺反应的钒催化机理

    Study of the catalytic mechanism of vanadate catalyst in oxidation of biurea to Azodicarbonamide

  13. 电化学氧化法制备偶氮二甲酰胺的研究

    Study On the Electro-oxidizing Preparation of Azobisformamide

  14. 插层型偶氮二甲酰胺/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的研制

    The Study of the Intercalated Azodicarbonamide-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites

  15. 用复配方法制备低温系列偶氮二甲酰胺,并分析复配剂的作用机理。

    The low temperature series azodicarbonamide was prepared by compound method , and the functional mechanism of compound agents was analyzed .

  16. 赛百味于本周宣布,将停止使用偶氮二甲酰胺制作面包。偶氮二甲酰胺通常被用作橡胶鞋底和瑜伽垫的原料。

    Subway announced this week that eventually it will stop using azodicarbonamide a chemical used in yoga mats and shoe rubber as an ingredient in its bread .

  17. 赛百味并未在欧洲及澳洲市场上使用偶氮二甲酰胺,但赛百味发言人并不愿透露该项变动何时能够生效。

    But representatives for Subway , which apparently does not use the chemical in its European or Australian markets , would not say when the company would actually effect the changes .

  18. 本文采用偶氮二甲酰胺作为发泡剂、木粉和聚苯乙烯树脂为主要原料,通过自由发泡挤出成型法制备聚苯乙烯基发泡木塑复合材料。

    In this paper the foamed polystyrene ( PS ) based wood plastic composites , which using azodicarbonamide ( AC ) as blowing agent , wood flour and PS as main materials , were prepared by free foaming method .