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  1. 消减舒尔模是相应的舒尔模在特征值为p的域上的一种商模。

    The truncated Schur module is a quotient module of the corresponding Schur module over a field of characteristic P.

  2. 本学位论文的研究对象舒位是清乾嘉时期的著名诗人。

    The object studied in this dissertation is a famous poet named Shu wei of Qian Jia period .

  3. 出现在1968年的冬季奥运会上的舒斯是所有奥运吉祥物的鼻祖。

    Schuss , who appeared at the1968 Olympic Winter Games , is the father of all Olympic mascots .

  4. 作者认为,左心室主动舒张力是左室早期快速充盈的主要动力,是评价左心室舒张功能的可靠指标,具有重要的临床价值。

    The authors believe that left ventricular active diastolic force is a reliable candidates for assessing the left ventricular diastolic function .

  5. 舒亶是北宋时期熙丰变法的重要成员,为推行新法作出了巨大贡献。

    Shudan was an important participant in Xifeng Political Reform in Northern Song Dynasty , and he contributed a lot to implementing the new law .

  6. 结论:宁心舒肠法是IBS的有效治疗方法。

    Conclusion : Heart-calming and gut-smoothing method is effective for IBS especially for D-IBS .

  7. 结论:舒必利方案是3种治疗方案中较为合理的方案。

    CONCLUSION : The sulpiride scheme is the most rational one .

  8. 结论鼻渊舒口服液是治疗儿童慢性鼻窦炎的一种理想制剂。

    Conclusion Nasosinusitis Relieving Oral Liquid is effective for the treatment of chronic sinusitis in children cases .

  9. 依-舒地堑是大庆油田的主探区之一,下第三系是主要勘探目的层,准确地建立地层格架是油气勘探的基础。

    The Yi-Shu graben is one of major exploring areas , along with the major exploring targets of Paleogene system in Daqing oil field .

  10. 你可以躺下来看天空的云卷云舒,或是一活后跑到商店买一根冰棍。

    You could lie on your back watching clouds scud across the sky , and maybe later walk down to the store for a Popsicle .

  11. 静谧蓝很轻盈,充斥着空气感,就像是我们的蓝天。即使在动荡的时代,也能让人放松和舒压。是轻快的,轻薄的感觉。

    Serenity is weightless and airy , like the expanse of the blue sky above us , bringing feelings of respite and relaxation even in turbulent times .

  12. 舒默一直是更严厉应对措施的主要倡导者之一,这些措施包括允许美国政府使用惩罚性关税和其他贸易制裁来报复任何被发现操纵本国货币的国家。

    Mr Schumer has been one of the leading advocates of tougher provisions that would allow the US to use punitive duties and other trade sanctions to retaliate against countries found guilty of manipulating their currencies .

  13. 该产品呈深宝石红色,澄清透明,酒香、果香沁人心脾,口感醇厚、舒顺,是馈赠、宴请宾朋之佳品。

    This product assumes the deep gem red , the liquor fragrance , the fruit fragrant rich , the graceful harmony , the feeling in the mouth extend is suitable , being a good gift for present or feast .

  14. 舒林酸是吲哚乙酸类非甾体抗炎药,主要用于治疗类风湿性关节炎、强直性脊椎炎、骨关节炎、急性痛风及肩关节疼痛等。

    Sulindac is a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug ( NSAID ) of the indene acetic acid class . Sulindac can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis , osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis , Other uses include the treatment of acute gouty arthritis and acute painful shoulder .

  15. 和马德琳舒尔的案子是一样的。

    It 's the same as the Madeline shore case .

  16. 舒默担心的是有许多安全问题永远不会被暴露。

    Mr Schumer fears that many faults are never detected .

  17. 高舒适度节能住宅是住宅建设发展的方向,高舒适度节能住宅的设计尤为重要。

    The energy-saving residence with high-comfortability is the developing direction for the construction of the residence .

  18. 舒柏特首先是个单纯、朴实的人,然后才是天才的作曲家。

    Schubert was first and foremost an innocent and simple man and then a genius composer .

  19. 高层建筑风振舒适度的控制是结构抗风设计的一项重要内容。

    Controlling the comfort of tall building due to wind induced vibration is important for structure design .

  20. 滑雪人“舒斯”实际上是冬季奥运会第一个非官方的奥运会吉祥物。

    " Schuss ", a little man on skis , is actually the very first unofficial Olympic mascot .

  21. 结论:舒宁止血材料是一种较为理想的止血材料。其止血性能明显优于明胶海绵组。

    Conclusion : Shuning is one kind of ideal hemostatic materials whose hemostatic effect is better than that of gelatin sponge group .

  22. 据报道,俄勒冈卫生科学大学胚胎干细胞与基因治疗中心主任舒赫拉特?米塔利波夫是这项新研究的领头人。

    Shoukhrat Mitalipov , director of the Oregon Health & Science University 's Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy , reportedly led the new research .

  23. 当被问及外国投资气候的改善是否意味着,如果现在迪拜再次试图收购美国码头业务,将会通过美国国会的检查时,舒默的回答是斩钉截铁的。

    Asked whether the improved climate for foreign investment meant that a hypothetical second attempt by Dubai to purchase US port operations would pass muster on Capitol Hill today , Mr Schumer is emphatic .

  24. 结论鼻腔局部皮质类固醇药物(辅舒良)、粘液溶解排除剂(吉诺通)、中成药(鼻渊舒口服液)是鼻内镜鼻窦手术围手术期治疗的合理用药。

    Conclusion : The corticosteroid drug use in nasal cavity ( Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray )、 secretion expellant ( Gelomyrtol Forte )、 chinese patent medicine ( Nasosinusitis Relieving Oral Liquid ) were the rational use of drugs in the perioperative treatment of endoscopic sinus surgery .