
  • Scott;Ridley Scott;Adam Scott;Dougray Scott
  1. 南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。

    Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions .

  2. 我沿着走廊直奔斯科特的办公室。

    I headed for Scott 's office down the hall .

  3. 斯科特率领的探险队的五名成员一直来到了南极。

    Five members of Scott 's expedition made it to the South Pole .

  4. 我不认识叫斯科特的人。

    I don 't know anyone called Scott .

  5. 斯科特到达南极时发现阿蒙森已先到过那里。

    When Scott reached the South Pole he found that Amundsen had anticipated him .

  6. 斯科特疯狂地喜欢花生。

    Scott 's mad for peanuts .

  7. 到了上甜点的时候,斯科特显然已经喝醉了。

    Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert was served .

  8. 斯科特的肌肉萎缩,一条腿发育不完全,成了个瘸子。

    Scott 's muscle atrophied , his leg became stunted , and he was left lame

  9. 斯科特·黑斯廷斯中止合同,结束了他的国际比赛生涯。

    Scott Hastings has called time on his international career by cutting short his contract .

  10. 到15岁的时候,斯科特已经与几支闻名遐迩的小乐队同台演出过。

    By the time he was 15 , Scott had gigged with a handful of well-known small bands .

  11. 斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。

    Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless . He calls it a paradise compared to the camp .

  12. 这座桥是斯科特设计的。

    This bridge was designed by Scott .

  13. 斯科特同意为孩子们尝试做更多的果汁,并制作真正的干酪酱通心粉。

    Scott agrees to try more fruit juices for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese .

  14. 纳多注意到斯科特的购物车里放了几盒现成的干酪酱通心粉,于是建议她换成全谷物通心粉和真奶酪。

    Nadeau notices the pre-made macaroni - and-cheese boxes in Scott 's shopping cart and suggests she switch to whole grain macaroni and real cheese .

  15. 斯科特很高兴从一位医生那里获得食物方面的建议,这位医生是附近的玛丽和迪克·艾伦糖尿病中心的项目主任,而该中心是圣约瑟夫·霍格健康联盟的一部分。

    Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center , part of the St.Joseph Hoag Health alliance .

  16. 斯科特船长于1912年初到达南极,但在返程时与四名同伴一同去世。

    Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912 but had died with his four companions on the march back .

  17. 斯科特最后的旅程以他饥寒交迫地躺在帐篷里奄奄一息告终。这引发了全世界的想象,有一部为他拍摄的电影也吸引了很多人。

    Scott 's last journey , completed as he lay in a tent dying of cold and hunger , caught the world 's imagination , and a film made in his honor drew crowds .

  18. "干得好,亲爱的,"斯科特太太说。

    Well done , dear , Mrs Scott said .

  19. “真是五彩缤纷!”斯科特先生表示。

    " It 's so full of colours ! " Mr Scott said .

  20. “我明白了,”斯科特太太说。

    " I see , " Mrs Scott said .

  21. 斯科特先生一直在谈论颜色。

    Mr Scott talked about colours all the time .

  22. 斯科特先生会在超市里穿行,欣赏周围的各种颜色。

    Mr Scott would walk through the supermarket and enjoy all the colours around him .

  23. 斯科特先生兴奋地发疯。

    Mr Scott was mad with excitement .

  24. "斯科特先生!就是我想见到的那个人!"布朗先生回答。

    Mr Scott ! Just the person I wanted to see ! Mr Brown replied .

  25. 他走进屋子时,斯科特夫人注意到了他脸上的悲伤。

    When he walked into the house , Mrs Scott noticed the sad look on his face .

  26. "这太过分了,斯科特!"他喊道,彩纸掉得满屋都是。

    " This is just too much , Scott ! " he cried , as the colored paper was falling all over the room .

  27. 果不其然,斯科特先生把油漆店开了二十多年,整天都在谈论颜色。

    Sure enough , Mr Scott kept the paint shop open for twenty more years and got to talk about colours all day , every day .

  28. 他的妻子在他们的花园里种了水果和蔬菜,但斯科特先生对花园里长满叶子的植物、灌木丛甚至草更感兴趣。

    His wife planted fruit and vegetables in their garden , but Mr Scott was more interested in the leafy plants , the bushes , and even the grass that grew in the garden .

  29. 斯科特很懊恼,因为梅格成天在外出差,把事情都留给他一个人干。

    Scott is frustrated1 that Meg is travelling so much for work and keeps leaving him holding the baby .

  30. 著名的外星人探寻者斯科特•C•韦林,今天偶然看到这一发现并将其分享给自己的追随者。

    Well-known alien hunter , Scott C Waring , picked up the discovery today and shared it with his followers .