
  • 网络Sphinx Riddle;Riddle of the Sphinx;Riddle of Sphinx;The mystery of Sphinx;Old Man Baby
  1. 马克思把按劳分配规定为资产阶级权利,这是《哥达纲领批判》中的一个斯芬克斯之谜。

    Marx defined distribution according to work as " the right of capitalist class ", which is a Sphinx riddle in Critique On Guiding Principle of Gotha .

  2. 人的本质问题是古今中外的思想家、哲学家求之不解的斯芬克斯之谜。

    The essence of human beings is an unsolved sphinx riddle haunting the thinkers and philosophers throughout the history of mankind .

  3. 奥狄普斯因为解答斯芬克斯之谜的过分聪明,所以应该陷入纷乱的罪恶旋涡。狄尔斐之神阿波罗是这样的解释希腊古史的。

    it was because of his extravagant wisdom which succeeded in solving the riddle of the Sphinx that Oedipus had to be cast into a whirlpool of crime : in this fashion does the Delphic god interpret the Greek past .

  4. 真正解答了哲学史上关于自由问题的斯芬克斯之谜&人在本性上是自由的,自由是人的存在方式,自由是人的类生命的实现和发展。

    It explains the freedom issue " riddle of the Sphinx " in the philosophy history - human in the natural disposition is free truly , free is human 's existence way , free is the human " a kind of life " realization and development .

  5. 同时也希望通过展示希斯克利夫的创作过程,使我们对艾米莉勃朗特有更深、更透彻的理解,为这个英国文学史上的“斯芬克斯”之谜增添新的注释,赋予它以新的灵魂。

    It tries at the same time to help the reader get a deeper understanding of Emily bronte , the Sphinx in English literature and give her a new interpretation and spirit through the revealing of the process of the creation of heathcliff .