
  • 网络chuck;Chuck Bass;Chaac
  1. B女王的心之所属前王妃选择了挽救自己的黑骑士,但是恰克厌烦了总是把她放在第一位却最终一无所获,他对此毫不接受。

    BLAIRS HEART | The former princess may have chosen the Dark Knight , but Chuck tired of putting her first and losing everything was having none of it .

  2. 艾德·维斯特维克(恰克)曾经看上去这么···稚嫩。

    Ed Westwick ( Chuck ) used to look so ... young .

  3. 恰克/布莱尔:幸福地结婚生子了。

    Chuck / Blair : Happily married and parents to a young boy .

  4. 恰克和杰克能否将巴特拉下台?艾薇能够扳倒莉莉吗?

    Will he and Jack dethrone Bart ? Can Ivy take down Lily ?

  5. 当恰克点着火,烤肉炉上方的大阳伞立刻烧了起来。

    When Chuck started it , the umbrella above the grill immediately caught fire .

  6. 恰克和杰克能否将巴特拉下台?

    Will he and Jack dethrone Bart ?

  7. 英雄史诗《库布兰德》是一部古老的英雄史诗,具有鲜明的克普恰克部族特征。

    Kubulandeis and old hero epic , it has a bright tribal characteristic of Kepuqiak .

  8. 上帝能够在水上行走,恰克却可以在旱地游泳。

    Jesus can walk on water , but Chuck Norris can swim through dry land .

  9. 你认识恰克波西吗?

    Do you know chuck percy ?

  10. 我意识到,我虽然活下来了,但恰克拜斯却没有必要存在。

    I realized I might be alive , but Chuck Bass didn 't have to be .

  11. 布莱尔和恰克最终会在一起吗?

    Are Chuck and Blair endgame ?

  12. 但恰克和我有责任要负,孩子、房子…485美元?

    But Chuck and I have responsibilities now : kids , houses .... $ 485 , wow !

  13. 去年初夏,恰克决定该是买一台新烤肉炉的时候了。

    At the beginning of last summer , Chuck decided that it was time to get a new grill .

  14. 虽然恰克弄得一团乱,店方仍决定把淋湿的烤肉炉便宜卖给他。

    Although Chuck made a total mess , the store decided to cut him a deal on the soggy grill .

  15. 搏击俱乐部是1999年在美国上映的一部影片,影片改编自恰克·帕拉尼克1996年的同名小说。

    Fight Club is a 1999 American film based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk .

  16. 今日,我们所见到的的恰克·巴斯内心复杂、彬彬有礼,不变的是他的性感。

    The Chuck Bass we see today is sophisticated , refined , and ( duh ) still hot as hell 。

  17. 恰克对烤肉区里一台巨大的主要展示品特别感兴趣。

    Chuck was especially interested in a big grill , which was featured as the main display in the barbecue section .

  18. 同时,布莱尔向恰克表明心迹,那么她的爱到底能不能帮助恰克赢回帝国酒店?

    Meanwhile , Blair has offered Chuck her heart , but is her love enough to help him win back his empire ?

  19. 有些人,包括衣阿华州的参议员恰克?格拉斯利,认为应该考虑对大学作这样的要求。

    Some people , including Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa , think it is reasonable to consider such a requirement for colleges .

  20. 显微镜下观察结果显示,琼库尔恰克构造带群4井油气包裹体丰富的层段与含油层段相对应;

    Microscope observation shows that the zone with hydrocarbon fluid inclusion from Well Qun-4 in this structural belt is corresponding to oil-bearing layers ;

  21. 在琼库恰克构造带的形成和发展过程中经历了海西运动期古构造形成阶段及喜马拉雅运动期现今构造定型阶段。

    The formation and development of Qongkuqak structural zone underwent two stages , i.e. , Hercynian paleostructural forming stage and Himalayan present-structural forming stage .

  22. 金帐汗国时期的克普恰克语文献是古代哈萨克文学一个重要组成部分。

    The Qypchaq literature in the Golden Horde ( Altyn Orda ) is the most important part of the ancient Kazakh language and literature .

  23. 值得注意的是,实际上我们讨论中没有其它的论点使得普拉特恰克使用如此强硬的措辞&事实上它并不骇人听闻。

    Worth noting that at practically no other point in our conversation does Plutchak use such strong language – that fact is far from shocking .

  24. 结合一维热模拟计算结果,总结出琼库尔恰克构造带有两期油气成藏作用:第1期发生于晚二叠世,源岩可能为寒武-奥陶系烃源岩,油气成熟度较高;

    It is concluded that two hydrocarbon accumulation stages occurred in this belt , one in Late Permian , with possible Cambrian-Ordovician source rocks and high maturity ;

  25. 因特尔的发言人恰克默莱对外宣称:关闭的几家工厂多数使用过时老化的技术,因特尔将继续投资上十亿美元兴建新厂。

    The closed facilities mostly used aging technology , and Intel will continue to invest billions of dollars this year in new plants , said Chuck Mulloy , an Intel spokesman .

  26. 但是,虽然某些恋情在第五季的压轴大戏中就此打住,随着布莱尔承认她的心依旧属于恰克,一个尘封已久的火花又得到了重燃。

    But while some relationships came to an end in Mondays Season 5 capper , an old one started to rekindle when Blair finally admitted that her heart belongs to Chuck .

  27. 后来我跟恰克聊了这件事,我们意识到如果把手机也包含进来,那么,每当你想分摊账目的时候只要发个短信就可以了,连记事本都省了。

    And later on talking to Chuck , we realised that if we had a cell phone component , if you could send an SMS into our service whenever you split a bill , you wouldn 't even have to carry that book around .