
  • 网络Chagas disease;Chagas' Disease
  1. 恰加斯病以1909年第一个发现该病的巴西医生CarlosRibeiroJustinianoChagas的名字命名。

    Chagas disease is named after Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas , a Brazilian doctor who first discovered the disease in1909 .

  2. 如果在感染后很快开始治疗,恰加斯病是可治愈的。

    Chagas disease is curable if treatment is initiated soon after infection .

  3. 恰加斯病为两个阶段。

    Chagas disease presents itself in two phases .

  4. 没有用于恰加斯病的疫苗。

    There is no vaccine for Chagas disease .

  5. 恰加斯病主要发生于拉丁美洲。

    Chagas disease occurs mainly in Latin America .

  6. 为了杀死寄生虫,可使用苄硝唑或硝呋替莫可治疗恰加斯病。

    To kill the parasite Chagas disease can be treated with either benznidazole or nifurtimox .

  7. 数十年来,恰加斯病主要影响生活在拉丁美洲农村地区的人们。

    For decades , Chagas disease largely affected people living in rural areas of Latin America .

  8. 一个人一旦染上恰加斯病,这种感染可能潜伏数十年。

    Once a person has contracted Chagas disease , the infection may remain dormant for decades .

  9. 目前有两种治疗恰加斯病的特效药,即苄硝唑和硝呋莫司。

    There are currently two drugs effective in the treatment of Chagas disease , benznidazole and nifurtimox .

  10. 通常已知的人类锥虫病是非洲的昏睡病和南美洲的恰加斯病。

    Human trypanosomiases are commonly known as sleeping sickness in Africa and Chagas disease in South america .

  11. 在原先认为无该病的地区&例如亚马逊流域,出现了恰加斯病;

    Emergence of Chagas disease in regions previously considered to be free of the disease – such as the Amazon basin ;

  12. 拜耳已就如何扩大现有的承诺,控制昏睡病和恰加斯病,与世卫组织开始了讨论。

    Bayer has started discussions with WHO on how to evolve their current commitment to fight sleeping sickness and Chagas disease .

  13. 恰加斯病在拉丁美洲以外国家造成的威胁促使世卫组织将消灭恰加斯病的努力变成一项全球规划。

    The threat posed by Chagas disease in countries outside Latin America has prompted WHO to reformulate Chagas elimination efforts as a global programme .

  14. 恰加斯病曾经完全局限于美洲区域&主要是拉丁美洲,但现在已传播到其它各大洲。

    Chagas disease was once entirely confined to the Region of the Americas – principally Latin America – but it has now spread to other continents .

  15. 近几年,拉美人向世界其他地区大规模迁移,使恰加斯病成为一个全球问题。

    In recent years , large-scale migrations of people from Latin America to other parts of the world have turned Chagas disease into a global problem .

  16. 恰加斯病也称南美锥虫病,是原生动物寄生虫克氏锥虫引起的一种可威胁生命的疾病。

    Chagas disease , also known as American trypanosomiasis , is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by the protozoan parasite , Trypanosoma cruzi ( T.cruzi ) .

  17. 通过将恰加斯病控制网络由区域扩大到全球,世卫组织希望确实能够在全球消灭该疾病。

    By expanding the network of Chagas control from regional to global levels , WHO hopes that global elimination of the disease will become a real possibility .

  18. 赛诺菲安万特已同意在未来五年延长对世卫组织昏睡病、布鲁里溃疡病、恰加斯病以及利什曼病规划的支持。

    Sanofi-aventis has agreed to renew its support for the WHO programme to eliminate sleeping sickness , and its support for Buruli ulcer , Chagas disease and leishmaniasis for the next five years .