
  1. 五氧化二铌电脱氧制备金属Nb的反应动力学

    Kinetics of the electro-deoxidation of Nb_2O_5 for preparing niobium

  2. 质粒介导的16SRRNA甲基化酶是近年来新发现的一种耐药决定因子,可导致革兰氏阴性细菌对4,6-二取代基-脱氧链霉胺类氨基糖苷类药物(如庆大霉素、阿米卡星等)高水平耐药。

    Plasmid-encoded 16S rRNA methylase , which confer high-level resistance to 4 , 6-disubstituted deoxystreptamine aminoglycosides ( such as amikacin and gentamicin ) in many Gram-negative pathogens , is a novel discovered resistant determinant .

  3. 埕岛中心二号平台海水脱氧工艺及设备

    Seawater Deoxidizing Technology and the Equipment of Central Platform No.2 of Cheng Island

  4. 二碘化钐在脱氧、还原和碳&碳键形成反应中的应用

    Some Application of Samarium Diiodide in Deoxygenation , Reduction and Carbon - Carbon Bond Formation Reaction

  5. 二是钢液从精炼温度冷却至液相线温度过程中析出的脱氧产物,称为二次脱氧产物;

    One is called the secondly deoxidizing products that appear at the time of cooling steel from refine temperature to liquid temperature ;