
  1. 柠檬酸钠二水合物;

    Sodium citrate ; Trisodium citrate dihydrate ;

  2. 硫酸普拉睾酮钠二水合物的合成

    Synthesis of Prasterone Sulfate Sodium Dihydrate

  3. 向盛有10?蟠姿狒?的烧杯内加入5g二水合物结晶。六次甲基四胺与氯化苄加合物的晶体结构

    Add the crystalline dihydrate ( 5g ) to acetic anhydride ( 10 ?? in a beaker . THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ADDITION COMPOUND OF HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE WITH BENZYL CHLORIDE

  4. 米格列奈钙二水合物的合成

    Synthesis of mitiglinide calcium salt dihydrate

  5. 用双外推法讨论固态草酸钴(Ⅱ)二水合物脱水过程的动力学机理

    Non isothermal Kinetics of the Dehydration Process of Cobalt (ⅱ) Oxalate Dihydrate in Solid State Using Double Extrapolation

  6. 指出在能源费用低廉的地方,采用二水合物工艺;

    It has been suggested that the dihydrate process be used in the place where power cost is cheap ;

  7. 一种确定固相反应机理函数的新方法&固态草酸镍(Ⅱ)二水合物脱水过程的非等温动力学

    A new method determining mechanism function of solid state reaction - the non isothermal kinetic of dehydration of nickel (ⅱ) oxalate dihydrate in solid state

  8. 主要介绍湿法磷酸生产的3种工艺二水合物工艺、半水合物工艺及半水二水合物工艺的特点、流程,并对这3种工艺进行技术经济比较。

    Distinguishing feature and process flow of three wet processes of phosphoric acid are described , and a comparison between them is made technically and economically .

  9. 六对二元混合物水合物相平衡的测定和关联

    Phase Equilibrium Determination of Six Binary Gas Hydrates and Its Correlation

  10. 本文给出了第一型,第二型气体水合物冰晶格氢原子位置的求解算法,该算法为计算机模拟的实现提供了完整的晶格结构坐标。

    This paper presents the algorithm for the calculation of the hydrogen positions in the ice lattice of gas hydrate with both structure I and structure II , which provides a complete coordinates of lattice structure for the computer simulation .

  11. 利用高压水合物分离装置,在不同的温度、压力及液体流量下,分别测定了H2、CH4二元混合物与水合物促进剂进行水合反应时分离效果随时间的变化。

    A set of high-pressure hydrate separation equipment was used to study , the separation efficiency for CH4 + H2 gas mixtures were measured at different temperature , pressure and liquid flow rate .

  12. 二元致冷剂气体水合物相平衡计算

    Phase equilibrium calculation for binary refrigerant gas hydrates

  13. 琥珀酸二钠(六水合物);

    Butanedioic acid disodium salt hexahydrate ;

  14. 根据天然气水合物的产出条件,海洋环境水合物可以分为二类扩散系统水合物和渗漏系统水合物。

    The hydrates in marine environment can be grouped into two categories , diffusion system and venting system , according to hydrate occurrences .

  15. 着重评述了二类低用量水合物抑制剂,即动力学抑制剂和防聚剂的抑制机理方面的理论研究成果,以及抑制性能方面的实验研究成果。

    The researches on the hydrate kinetic inhibition were reviewed , focusing on the fundamental research of inhibition mechanisms and the experimental measurement of inhibition performances of two kinds of low dosage hydrate inhibitors , i.e. kinetic inhibitors and anti-agglomerant inhibitors .

  16. 结果表明,甲基乙二醛在溶液中以二水合物缩聚的五元环二聚体为主。

    Finally , it is showed that the main polymer of methylglyoxal aqueous solution is the five-ring dimer of dihydrate condensation .