
  1. 种一粒种子,看着它生长,然后尽量以英语留言告诉我们有关你的小盆栽!

    Plant a seed and watch it grow , then tell us about it !

  2. 试试送一些小盆栽、个性化的礼品(如杯子、帽子等)或香料礼品篮。

    Try giving out potted plants , personalized gifts ( e.g. , mugs , caps ), or gift baskets of spices .

  3. 草甘膦对小白菜盆栽土壤细菌、放线菌、真菌均有抑制作用。

    Glyphosate has inhibitory effect on soil bacteria , actinomycetes and fungi of potted cabbage .

  4. 另外,经过60天小白菜盆栽试验结果发现,与不施肥处理相比,施入蓝藻堆肥增产25.63%,比常规有机肥的增产效果高12.2%。

    In addition , the result of potted plants test in 60 days found that , the application of compost algae can increase yield of 25.63 percent compared with no fertilizer application , and increase field of more than 12.2 percent compared to the organic fertilizer .

  5. 第一季秋小白菜的盆栽试验,我们研究了石灰、钙镁磷肥、泥炭、硅肥对小白菜生长和元素吸收的影响。

    The effects of lime , peat , calcium magnesium phosphate and Si fertilizer were studied in the first pot experiment .

  6. 通过相关辅助剂的筛选,配制出10%甲氰·阿维乳油,制定了产品质量分析方法,最后对实验室小试样进行盆栽试验。

    Also the potted tests with small samples were carried out in lab trials and a set of analysis method about products quality was established .