
  1. 曾侯乙乐宫的复原研究与虚拟重建

    Research and Virtual Reconstruction on Musical Palace of Marquis Yi of Zeng

  2. 略论曾侯乙墓鼓乐器的组合与功能

    Discussion on Assembling and Function of Drums from Zeng Hou Yi Tomb

  3. 曾侯乙编磬上的铭文给我们展示了中国先秦时期的乐律学成就,但器上太多的残缺仍给理解带来许多困难。

    The inscriptions on the arranged chimes by Zeng Houyi show us the achievements in music and temperament before Qin Dynasty .

  4. 曾侯乙青铜编钟,战国,曾侯乙墓出土,湖北省博物馆藏。

    Bronzt Bell Chime of Zenghouyi , Warring States Period , unearthed at the Zenghouyi Tomb , in the Hubei Provincial Museum .

  5. 尤其是曾侯乙墓编钟的出土,又成为先秦音乐辉煌的见证。

    Especially , the discovery of set bell chimes in the tomb of Yi serves as the splendid testimony of music in those days .

  6. 关于曾侯乙编钟律制归属问题,长期以来争论的焦点集中在对其测音数据的分析上。

    For long time the focus of dispute about adscription of pitch of bell chimes in Zenghou Yi Tomb is the analysis on the data of testing sounds .

  7. 湖北随州战国曾侯乙墓的发掘,是“20世纪中国百项考古大发现”的一项。

    The excavation of Zen Marquis Yi tomb of Warring States in Suizhou , Hubei is one of " one hundred great archaeological discoveries of China of the20th century " .

  8. 曾侯乙墓的出土,使我们了解了先秦音乐的发展达到了辉煌的顶峰。

    The discovery of the tomb of Yi ( Yi , a marquis in State Zeng ), makes people realize that music of pre-Qin period has reached its the peak .

  9. 中国传统绘画艺术特征的形成,是在战国早期至西汉早期这段时间,这个时期的绘画主要以曾侯乙墓漆画和马王堆汉墓帛画为代表。

    Characteristics of traditional Chinese painting art form form in the early Western Han Dynasty to the early Warring States period of time , the paintings of this period are mainly Mawangdui tomb painting and silk painting .