
  1. 救人一命,胜造七级浮屠。

    There is greater merit in saving one life than in building a seven-tier pagoda .

  2. 中国人说救人一命。

    The Chinese say onceyou 've saveda person 's life .

  3. 救人一命,我自然忘不了。

    When you save someone 's life , you tend to remember .

  4. 救人一命就等于救了整个世界。

    Save one life save the world entire .

  5. 口号为「齐学心肺复苏法-救人一命好方法」。

    The slogan for the afternoon ceremony was " Learn CPR together to save lives " .

  6. 要从烈焰中救人一命而又想避开炙热,那是不可能的。

    It is impossible to save a life from burning and avoid the heat of the fire .

  7. 在你过来时顺便救人一命,你可以以它为业了。

    Save any lives on your way over ? You could make a career out of it .

  8. 被称为英雄,仅仅是因为竖起了一面旗子,而不是因为救人一命,是令人很难接受的。

    It 's hard not to be called a hero for saving someone 's life but for putting up a pole .

  9. 某些发明确实有用,关键时刻总能救人一命,另一些发明却诡异得让人怀疑它们是怎么拿到专利的。

    Some inventions are truly useful and will undoubtedly save lives , whereas others are so bizarre that one wonders how in the world they got patented .

  10. 几枚硬币有时也会救人一命,而且即使这笔钱浪费掉了,也不能抹杀施与者的善良。

    A few coins can save a life in some situations , and even if the money is wasted , that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver .

  11. 人们为自己考虑的时候挺聪明,可是,动物根本用不着考虑就能知道,这经常能救人一命,就像今晚救了我们!

    Men may be clever enough to think of things for them-selves , but animals know things without thinking , and thats often saved a mans life , as it has ours tonight .

  12. 对于普通家庭来说,一旦家庭成员得了重病,需要一大笔钱,消费信贷在这时就扮演了一个重要的角色,它能救人一命。

    For normal families , once family member are terribly ill , which needs a barrel of money . The consumer credit could play an important role in this situation , it could save lives .