
lù tái
  • terrace;balcony;veranda;flat roof (for drying clothes);open stage
露台 [lù tái]
  • (1) [flat roof (for drying clothes,etc.)]〈方〉∶晒台

  • (2) [open stage]∶露天高台,也指露天戏台、舞台

露台[lù tái]
  1. 露台里铺砌的地面和房子一般宽。

    The terrace runs the full width of the house .

  2. 露台朝南。

    The terrace faces south .

  3. 我在露台上,离得还挺远。

    I was quite a long way away , on the terrace

  4. 他们坐在俱乐部会所的露台上,大口喝着别人请的饮料。

    They sat on the clubhouse terrace , downing a round of drinks

  5. 我们经常听人称赞我们的露台非常干净。

    We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our patio .

  6. 一段石阶通向露台。

    A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace .

  7. 晚会的音乐飘到了外面的露台上。

    The music from the party wafts out to the terrace

  8. 他跑下台阶来到泳池露台,纵身跳进池里。

    He ran down the steps to the pool terrace and plunged in .

  9. 丹告诉她说他要去房子后面的露台上擦鞋。

    Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes

  10. 沥青露台位于建筑的南面和西面

    Terraces of asphalt are placed by the building 's south and west facades .

  11. 餐厅通往一个铺砌的露台。

    The dining-room opens onto a paved terrace .

  12. 之后的某一天,我在自家的露台上晒太阳,抬头看发现公寓外墙漆成了黄色。

    Then one day , sitting in the sun on my patio , I looked up and realized the outside of my condo was done in yellow siding .

  13. 一名女子在Twitter上表示,从她家露台上可以看到事发那条滨海步行道,她称自己听到了枪响。

    On Twitter , a woman who said her terrace overlooked the promenade where the episode unfolded reported hearing gunfire .

  14. 离开博物馆之前,请到屋顶露台的艺术咖啡馆ArtCafé俯瞰整个斯特拉斯堡。

    Before taking your own leave , take a last look at Strasbourg from the rooftop terrace of the museum 's Art Caf é .

  15. 镇上的每个人似乎都在谈论半岛酒店里那个叫上海露台(ShanghaiTerrace)的餐厅里新来的厨师凯文•苏(CalvinSoh)。

    Everyone in town seemed to be talking about Calvin Soh , new chef at Shanghai Terrace in the Peninsula hotel .

  16. 带有私人露台、可俯瞰花园的山间别墅(HillVilla)每晚237美元(含早餐),这个价格比旺季的三分之一还低。

    A Hill Villa with a private balcony overlooking the gardens costs $ 237 a night , including breakfast , a third less than during high season .

  17. 忘掉“从农场到餐桌”的口号吧,Nur是“从露台到餐桌”的,这同时也是饭店坚持使用本地食材的生动体现。

    Forget farm-to-table , this was patio-to-table - and a vivid illustration of Nur 's stated commitment to local products .

  18. 基韦斯特酒店(InnatKeyWest)是一家精品酒店,有热带淡水大泳池和健身中心。5月中旬,带露台的优质泳池边房间的价格是每晚209美元(不含税)。

    At the Inn at Key West , a boutique hotel with a large tropical freshwater pool and fitness center , a premium poolside room with a patio is $ 209 a night , excluding taxes , in mid-May .

  19. 26岁的本礠姆斯(BenJames)崇尚独身,他把自己伦敦梅费尔区(Mayfair)顶层公寓(带有面积很大的露台)的一两个房间对外招租。

    Ben James , who is 26 and " predominantly single , " rents out one or both rooms in his Mayfair penthouse , which includes a huge roof terrace .

  20. 两层都设有办公区和展厅,从一层的主展厅开始,二层设有VIP展览室和露台。

    Both floors are facilitated with office rooms and exhibition halls , with the main exhibition hall on the first floor and the VIP exhibition room and terrace on the second floor .

  21. 进场观看的费用是175美元;重要人物可以在贵宾会所的露台上进行观看,这里只为VIP保留席位(光有钱是买不到社会地位的)。

    It costs $ 175 to join the groundlings in the yard ; the power players watch from clubhouse terraces reserved for VIPs . ( Money alone can 't buy status . )

  22. 戴维・惠特科姆(DavidWhitcomb)与亨丽・惠特科姆(HenrieWhitcomb)位于纽约格林威治村的寓所有一个2500平方英尺(约合230平米)的全景式露台,他们的绿色幕恢复了露台大量不可用的空间。

    David and Henrie Whitcomb 's vertical garden redeemed a chunk of unusable space on their 2500-square-foot wraparound terrace in New York 's Greenwich Village .

  23. 曼哈顿房产估值公司VanderbiltAppraisal的首席执行长迈克尔・瓦尔加斯(MichaelVargas)说:“你用来布置景观而非打造实用空间的每一平方英尺都会让露台贬值。”

    Every square foot that you sacrifice for landscaping as opposed to usable space is going to make the terrace less valuable , ' said Michael Vargas , CEO of Manhattan-based Vanderbilt Appraisal Co.

  24. 曼哈顿房产估值公司VanderbiltAppraisal的首席执行长迈克尔&12539;瓦尔加斯(MichaelVargas)说:你用来布置景观而非打造实用空间的每一平方英尺都会让露台贬值。

    ' Every square foot that you sacrifice for landscaping as opposed to usable space is going to make the terrace less valuable , ' said Michael Vargas , CEO of Manhattan-based Vanderbilt Appraisal Co.

  25. 下图:街道视角的ZED方案效果图,左边对着住宅的是位于商店顶部露台上的花园。

    Below A street level view up a ZED scheme mews , with terraced gardens above shops facing the residential element on the left hand side .

  26. 在露台上,我的身后是旧城的哥特式和巴洛克式尖塔,我看到了楼下的斯瓦特普鲁克·切赫桥(SvatoplukCechBridge),卡夫卡在那居住时,这座新艺术风格的桥才建成没几年。

    From the outdoor terrace , with the Gothic and Baroque spires of Old Town at my back , I looked down at Svatopluk Cech Bridge , an Art Nouveau span that would have been only a few years old when the writer lived there .

  27. 作为一天的告终,也为了睡前酒,我从奇亚多酒店(HoteldoChiado)的顶楼露台酒吧中俯瞰着这座流光溢彩的城市,其中有部分正是葡萄牙建筑师、普立兹大奖(Pritzker)得主阿尔瓦罗·西扎·维埃拉(AlvaroSizaVieira)的设计成果。

    For a recap and a nightcap , survey the glowing city from the top-floor terrace bar of Hotel do Chiado , which was designed in part by the Pritzker Prize-winning Portuguese architect Siza Vieira .

  28. 然后在一座能俯瞰巴斯卡斯加风光的露台上,倒上满满一杯咖啡,倾听老板娘戴安娜·泽露(DianaDzirlo)的盈盈笑语:“一杯咖啡起码得喝半小时,就坐在这里尽情享受吧。”亚历克斯·可瑞瓦(ALEXCREVAR)供稿。

    Then , on a terrace overlooking Bascarsija , fill your fildzan , and heed the words of Diana Dzirlo , the cafe 's owner : " A coffee must take at least half an hour just to sit and enjoy . " ALEX CREVAR

  29. 这里质地丰富的装饰品是新与旧的迷人结合——从文艺复兴时代的大理石碑文到安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的丝网印画——在温暖的季节里,仅对房客开放的屋顶露台是喝开胃酒的好地方。

    The richly textured d é cor is an appealing mix of old and new - think artworks ranging from Renaissance-era marble inscriptions to Andy Warhol silk-screens - and the clubby rooftop terrace is a new hot spot for aperitivi in warmer months .

  30. 惠特沃思艺术博物馆(Whitworth)花费1500万英镑(约合2200万美元)进行修复和扩展,增加了新的两翼,一个是艺术花园,一个是雕塑露台,于2月份重新开放。

    After a & # 163 ; 15 million ( about $ 22 million ) renovation and expansion , the Whitworth reopened in February with two new wings , an art garden and a sculpture terrace .