
lù tiān cǎi chǎnɡ
  • open pit;excavating plant
  1. 人工神经BP网络预测露天采场爆堆矿石质量的方法

    Quality prediction of blasting muckpile ore in open pit by artificial neural BP network

  2. 大冶铁矿东露天采场滑坡稳定性分析&以F(25)断裂滑脱带内滑坡群为例

    Stability assessment of landslide group within fault slipping zone at Open-pit Iron Mining Stope in Daye

  3. 采集了抚顺西露天采场植物修复示范工程区土壤、植物样品,实验室分析了Cu,Pb在土壤-植物系统中的含量分布,赋存状态;

    Based on the soil and plant samples collected in the western opencast of Fushun , the content , occurrence modes of Cu , Pb were studied by experiments .

  4. 对大冶铁矿东露天采场高陡岩质边坡狮子山F9断裂带西侧的稳定性进行了研究。

    This aticle mainly covers a serial of intensive study on stability analysis in west side of Lion Mountion F9 Fault of Daye Iron Mine slope .

  5. 结合姑山铁矿露天采场北帮边坡防渗工程的防渗研究,该文利用FEFLOW软件建立了该区的地下水数值模型。

    Combining with anti-seepage research in the anti-seepage project in north slope of Gushan iron mining open pit , FEFLOW is adopted to set up the groundwater numerical model of the area .

  6. 露天采场爆破震动的监测与控制

    Study of Blasting Vibration Monitoring and Controling in an Open Stope

  7. 大冶矿露天采场边坡稳定研究

    Investigation of Stability of Rock Slope in an Open Pit Mine

  8. 露天采场测量验收计算公式的应用

    Application of calculation formula of measurement and acceptance at open pit mine

  9. 露天采场临近边坡控制爆破试验及应用

    Application and test on Controlled Blasting in draw on slope of open-pit

  10. 抚顺西露天采场土壤环境质量评价

    Stope Soil Environment Quality Assessment of Western Open-pit of Fushun

  11. 抚顺西露天采场植物修复的研究

    Study on Phytoremediation of the opencast in the west of Fushun City

  12. 紫金山金矿露天采场平硐溜井技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Adit - pass at Zijinshan Open Pit

  13. 露天采场孔间微差爆破技术的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on Microsecond Delay and Hole-by-Hole Firing in Open Mines

  14. 某露天采场爆破震动特性及减震技术研究

    Characteristic and Shock Damping of Blast Vibration in a Certain Open Pit

  15. 船山集团石灰石露天采场边坡稳定性研究

    Study on Slope Stability of Dolomite Quarry , Chuanshan Group

  16. 东露天采场临近边坡的爆破工作

    On working Near Slope Blasting Experience in Open Pit

  17. 露天采场边坡稳定性的离散元数值模拟

    Discrete element numerical simulation of stability for open-pit slope

  18. 复杂条件下露天采场边坡变形分析

    Numerical analyses of slope deformation of an open pit under complicated mining conditions

  19. 姑山露天采场边坡失稳致因探讨

    Study of Slope Losing Steady of Mine Gushan Open

  20. 利用废弃露天采场干排尾矿工程的环境风险评价

    Environmental risk assessment of discharging mine tailings engineering by using open pit abandoned

  21. 露天采场台阶干扰降震爆破技术试验研究

    Experimental Study of Blasting Vibration Reduction by Waveform Interference in an Open Stope

  22. 通过有限元位移反分析研究确定了露天采场构造应力的大小;

    It ascertains the size of the construction stress by back analysis of displacement .

  23. 云浮硫铁矿露天采场边坡治理

    Slope treatment of opencast in Yunfu Pyrite Mine

  24. 浅谈德兴铜矿露天采场排水系统

    Drainage system at Dexing copper 's open pit

  25. 凹陷露天采场排水是一个十分重要的生产工艺环节。

    Water drainage in hollow open pit stope is a key link of production .

  26. 地下水对露天采场边坡稳定性影响的分析

    Analysis of the influence of underground water on side slope stability of open-pit mining stope

  27. 深孔分段崩落采矿法大冶铁矿东露天采场高陡岩质边坡典型地段稳定性分析

    Sublevel blast-hole method Stability Analysis of the Typical Slope Area in Hubei Daye Iron Mine

  28. 露天采场边坡控制爆破的改进

    Improvement of Control Blasting at Open-pit Slope

  29. 伏萨尔梁法修正及其在露天采场采空区处理中的应用

    Revised voussoir beam theory and its application in treatment of goafs at open pit mine

  30. 露天采场爆破在边坡中的震动效应

    Vibrating Effect of Blasting in Open-pit Slope