
  • 网络Vdi;Association of German Engineers;Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI
  1. 德国工程师协会(VDI)估计,高达五分之一的会员企业计划撤离中国。阿达迪斯(Adidas)则表示,正在削减在中国的业务规模。

    The German engineering association , VDI , estimated as many as one in five of its companies want to move out of China while Adidas said it was scaling down its Chinese presence .

  2. 德国工程师协会(vdi)估计,国内工程师职位空缺达9.5万个而3年前仅为1.8万个。

    VDI , the German Association of engineers , estimates there are 95000 vacant posts for engineers in the country - up from 18000 just three years ago .