
  • 网络Gandria;Adria;Jadriyah;Adria-Mar
  1. 反鲍德里亚&一个后现代学术神话的祛魅

    Anti-Baudrillard & A Disenchantment of the Postmodern Academic Mystic

  2. 第二章进入正文,分析鲍德里亚消费社会理论研究的思想渊源。

    Chapter two briefs the main origin of the theory of consumer society of Baudrillard .

  3. 毫无疑问法国学者让·鲍德里亚是当今时代最重要的、最富争议性的思想家之一。

    No doubt French scholar Jean Baudrillard is one of the most prominent and controversial Thinker in the current age .

  4. 第一章介绍有关鲍德里亚消费社会理论的研究背景,对鲍德里亚消费社会理论的国外、国内的研究现状,以及对该理论研究的理论意义和现实意义等。

    Chapter one briefs the research background of the theory of consumer society , including research status and theoretical & practical significance .

  5. 日前,一辆价值20万英镑的崭新的斯库德里亚法拉利430跑车,因起火被烧成灰烬,而车主才刚把车买下来。

    A BRAND NEW 200000 pounds Ferrari 430 Scuderia was burnt to ashes just an hour after the owner purchased the luxury car .

  6. 这里紧依亚德里亚海,地中海的柔风使藏身于谷地的葡萄有着特别的味道。

    It is adjoins the Adriatic Sea , the mild wind of the Mediterranean Sea bestows the grapes in the valleys with unique tastes .

  7. 据南约克郡警方在脸书上的一个帖子称,司机在提了这辆超级跑车后才一小时就发生了此事故,眼睁睁地看着他新买的斯库德里亚法拉利430化为乌有。

    According to a Facebook post by South Yorkshire Police , the driver watched his newly-bought Ferrari 430 Scuderia go up in smoke after he crashed the supercar just an hour after collecting it .

  8. 现代性与媒介文化批评中的主体型像&从本雅明、麦克卢汉到鲍德里亚基于主动形体模型与图像不变特征的柔性体图像分割

    Modernity and Figures of Subject in Media Cultural Criticism : From Walter Benjamin , Marshall Mcluhan to Jean Baudrillard ; The Segmentation of Deformable Object Image Base on Active Shape Model and Image Invariant Features

  9. 鲍德里亚(1929&2007),法国哲学家、社会学家,在思想界人们称他为后现代大祭司,他在二十世纪七十年代提出的消费社会理论,深刻地揭示了当代西方社会的本质特征和发展趋势。

    French philosopher and sociologist Jean Baudrillard ( 1929 2007 ) was known as a leader of postmodernism . He advanced the consumer society theory in 70s of the 20th century , deeply revealing substantive characteristics and development trend of the contemporary western society .