
  • 网络Bottles
  1. 瓶瓶罐罐摆了一桌子。

    The table was littered with bottles , flasks , jars , cans , and what not .

  2. 她看不到落满灰尘和苍蝇的天花板。难看的酱色墙壁,瓶瓶罐罐和黏腻的茶勺。

    She couldn 't see the ceilings dusty with flies , the ugly maroon walls , the bottles and sticky spoons .

  3. 我的心里总有一个柔软的角落,收藏记忆的瓶瓶罐罐。

    There is a place in our heart for bottled-up memories .

  4. 一大堆无顶的瓶瓶罐罐他爬上斜坡到了山顶。

    He ran up the slope to the top of the hill .

  5. 就像,做些瓶瓶罐罐之类的事情。

    Like , Petri dish cultures , things like that .

  6. 可以自己打开所有瓶瓶罐罐。

    You can open all of your own jars .

  7. 他们带不了这么多瓶瓶罐罐的。

    They can 't carry all these jars .

  8. 在那个物质贫乏的年代,很少有农民会丢弃那些漏水的瓶瓶罐罐。

    During the resource-scarce periods , few peasants would discard their leaky pots and pans .

  9. 我会把他背在背上捡瓶瓶罐罐去回收利用。

    I would have carried him around on my back collecting recycling cans and bottles .

  10. 切记洁净的肌肤乃一种生活方式,而不是得自于瓶瓶罐罐。

    Remember that clear skin is a lifestyle and not something that comes from a bottle .

  11. 克鲁索最大的挫折是没有用来烹调和储存食物的瓶瓶罐罐。

    One of Crusoe 's biggest frustrations was the lack of bottles or jars in which he could cook or store food .

  12. 那边又有一只眼镜蛇从水塘里钻出来,若无其事地爬向附近的一处人家,而此时村里的妇女们正在这个水塘边洗着瓶瓶罐罐。

    One more cobra emerged from a pond where village women washed their pots and nonchalantly made its way under a nearby house .

  13. 一大堆无顶的瓶瓶罐罐花费:瓶装水大约每加仑1美元,而自来水仅需几美分。

    Cost : Bottled water can cost approximately $ 1 for a gallon jug , while tap water costs pennies on the dollar .

  14. 当我举起奖杯时,你们举起了你们手中的瓶瓶罐罐来庆祝,就好像世界上没有其他人能够像你们一样庆祝。

    While we grabbed the trophy , you grabbed your pots and pans and celebrated like no one else in the world can .

  15. 许多人大概认为那些瓶瓶罐罐是D系列最杰出的标志。

    A lot of people , I think , would say that 's a hallmark of the Diablo series , the potion system .

  16. 淡黄色的墙壁脏兮兮的,其中一面墙上装着三两副货架,上面摆放着大概十几个瓶瓶罐罐。

    On one of the dirty buff-coloured walls were a couple of shelves , containing in all perhaps a dozen bottles and jars .

  17. 所以她重新设计了雅芳的包装,使那些瓶瓶罐罐看上去如同高档商场里的商品一样现代、精致。

    So she redesigned Avon 's packaging to make its bottles and jars look as modern and sophisticated as products in upscale department stores .

  18. 弗林特把这些瓶瓶罐罐摆在一起研究了半天,最后发现,它们虽然配方可能不一样,但基本成分几乎完全相同。

    Putting the products side by side , Flint realized all the bottles ' ingredients -- though formulated differently -- were pretty much identical .

  19. 开始清洁工作之前,戴上橡胶手套,把浴室边缘所有瓶瓶罐罐以及其他物品都拿走。

    Before you begin , put on some rubber gloves and remove all bottles and other items away from the edge of around the bath .

  20. 当他还在宾夕法尼亚州威廉斯波特上学时,就涉猎各种年代已久的收音机、瓶瓶罐罐和书籍,参加无穷无尽的拍卖会,出入各种后院拍卖和跳蚤市场。

    As a schoolboy in Williamsport , Pennsylvania , he dabbled in old radios , bottles and books , visiting endless auctions , " yard sales " and flea markets .

  21. 樱桃木色的橱柜显得更加温暖与华丽。摆放着搅拌碗、瓦罐、砂锅、几排调料和瓶瓶罐罐的架子看起来也更加舒心了。

    The cherry-stained kitchen cabinets look warmer , richer ; the shelves of mixing bowls , crocks and casseroles , the rows of spices and jars and bottles , are homier .

  22. 沃尔特:虽然你这么说,但我们的厨房堆满了罐头食品和瓶瓶罐罐,而且过去的一年里我们烹制的一直是半成品。

    Walt : If you say so , but our pantry is full of canned foods and jars , and nearly everything we 've cooked in the past year has been premixed .