
  1. 她做了三明治,把保温瓶灌满,又放了糖进去。

    She made sandwiches , filled a flask and put sugar in

  2. 他们在我离开前给我的热水瓶灌满了水。

    They filled my thermos before I left .

  3. 举例说,没有哑铃,就用罐汤,或几瓶灌满水的旧牛奶盒。

    Use cans of soup , or a few old milk cartons filled with water .

  4. 这将是一件多么诱人的事情啊:想象一下,大学教育就是一件将你这个空的玻璃瓶灌满知识的事件,而学校就是一个投手。

    It 's tempting to think of a college education as a matter of filling yourself up with knowledge as if you were an empty glass and the college were a pitcher .

  5. 无瓶停灌功能,可选购,与物料接触部件均采用优质不锈钢制作,符合GMP标准。

    The parts that contact the materials are made of stainless steel and meet GMP standard .

  6. 用改装的Super-Spinner搅拌瓶连续灌流培养产凝血酶原CHO工程细胞

    Continuously Perfused Cultivation of Genetically-engineered CHO Cells Producing Prothrombin in a Modified Super-Spinner

  7. 第五瓶已经灌了半瓶,那时所有的组都来了。

    The fifth bottle was halfway full when almost all the other teams came up .

  8. 采用局部跟踪灌装,电磁振动送盖,三刀离心式封口(或旋盖),具有无瓶不灌功能。

    Tracking filling , cap automatically conveying by electromagnetic oscillator , three knifes centrifugal sealing ( or screwing ), no bottle no filling .

  9. 上岸时我已经冻僵了,那些牧人把整瓶的烈酒灌进我的肚子里。

    By the time I had reached the opposite bank I was frozen stiff , so the herders poured a whole bottle of strong liquor down my throat .

  10. 拿一个塑料瓶将水灌至瓶口附近。轻轻地把每个金属螺母放到罐子里,将这些水草和鱼布置一下。

    Fill a clean plastic jar ( a peanut-butter jar works well ) almost to the top with water . Gently lower each metal nut into the jar and arrange your fish and seaweed .

  11. 平战结合注射液瓶自动冲洗吹干灌药封口机的研制

    Development of automatic washing drying drug filling sealing machine of injection bottle