
  • 网络Toy games;Fun-n-Games
  1. Eidos开发星球大战玩具游戏

    Eidos develop Star Wars toys online game

  2. 儿童早期玩具游戏与后来读写成绩之间无关。

    Absent from these correlations is any variable related to toy play .

  3. 让儿童在和玩具游戏的同时,顺利地过渡到这个高科技时代。

    At the same time , of games played with toys , children can smooth transition to the high-tech era .

  4. 这项寒冷挑战是为了给医院的玩具游戏基金会筹集资金以帮助多伦多的患病儿童。

    The chilly challenge is dedicated to raising money for the Toys and Games Fund at the Hospital for Sick Children , in Toronto .

  5. 人工智能(ArtificialIntelligence、AI)已经被用于许多不同的领域来执行某些任务,包括教育、重工业、玩具和游戏等。

    Artificial Intelligence or AI has been used in many different fields to perform certain tasks , including education , heavy industry , toys and games and so on .

  6. 采购产品礼品,玩具和游戏,木制的玩具,智力玩具,手艺装备。

    Gifts Articles , Toy and Games , Wooden Toys , Puzzles , Craft Kits .

  7. 人们认为,花钱购买有助于孩子出人头地的产品(比如有教育功能的电脑、玩具、游戏和DVD)是值得的。

    Spending on products to help children excel ( such as educational computers , toys , games and DVDs ) is considered worthwhile .

  8. 教育性玩具和游戏不无益处,但往往缺乏趣味。

    Educational toys and games are often more worthy than fun .

  9. 婴儿车、玩具、游戏及运动货品

    " baby carriages , toys , games and sporting goods "

  10. 他收藏有一批内行才识得的旧玩具和游戏用具。

    He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games .

  11. 他们买玩具..游戏..还有熊。

    They can buy stuffed elephants ... games .. and bears .

  12. 我叫孩子们把玩具和游戏用具放好。

    I told the children to put their toys and games away .

  13. 亚马逊向中间商开放玩具与游戏目录

    Amazon . com has been open toy and game catalogues to middlemen

  14. 我们公司专为孩子们生产玩具和游戏器具。

    My company manufactures toys and games for children .

  15. 我们对玩具和游戏的无限迷恋。

    Our limitless fascination with toys and games .

  16. 专门为采购各式玩具、游戏产品及婴儿用品而设。

    Feature a wide range of innovative and funny toys , games and baby products .

  17. 适合于2~3岁儿童的玩具及游戏材料探索

    On Toys and Play Materials that Children of 2 ~ 3 Years Old Would Like

  18. 安慰孩子们的一盒东西:软饮料、玩具、游戏用具、书籍。

    A box of placebos for the children : soft drinks , toys , games , books .

  19. 我们小小的公寓房子里立即变成了障碍赛训练场,到处扔满了毛绒动物、玩具和游戏用具。

    Our small apartment soon became an obstacle course littered with stuffed animals , toys , and games .

  20. 幼儿利用玩具开展游戏时,不仅可以获得快乐,而且在玩耍的过程中还可以受到教育。

    When the children playing games use toy , they will fell very happy and receive the education .

  21. 扩展宇宙(影以外的创作)拓了这场浩劫,将事件带入出版物,玩具,游戏和电视。

    The Expanded Universe has now opened up the conflagration , chronicling the events in print , toys , games and television .

  22. 儿童旅行百宝箱&箱内包含了多类玩具和游戏,让儿童在公路旅行或在家的无聊时间可以自己玩耍。

    Kid Travel Kit-Kit contains a multitude of toys and games to keep kids occupied during road trips or for quiet time at home .

  23. 类别涵盖玩具及游戏,服装,食品,当事人,纸制品,家居装饰,出版,礼品和创新。

    Categories cover toys and games , apparel , food , party , paper products , home d é cor , publishing , gifts and innovation .

  24. 一到圣诞节,不用想也知道孩子们会向圣诞老人索要各种各样的玩具、游戏和美食。

    When it comes to Christmas , it might be safe to assume children will ask Santa for an extensive list of toys , games and treats .

  25. 学生将通过学习来表达他们对玩具以及游戏的喜好。

    The students will then learn how to express their feelings about toys and games , which they like and love and which one is their favourite .

  26. 在我们的孩子成长所处的世界里,所有智力玩具和游戏不再有性别之分。我们也不再强迫现在的年轻人接受原来那些陈腐的观念。

    Our children are growing up in a world with educational toys and games that are unisexual and we do not impose stereotypical perceptions upon our youth .

  27. 然而,让我们大吃一惊的是,有些最受我们喜爱的玩具和游戏出现的时间,比我们预想可能出现的年代要久远得多。

    However , it might be a shock to learn that some of our favorite toys and games have been around for a lot longer than we might think possible .

  28. 他们说,这是让科学家们为自己的玩具和游戏找到出资者。

    Other critics see the space program as a gigantic and never-ending waste of taxpayers'money : let scientists , they say , find someone else to pay for their toys and games .

  29. 我来自新西兰,我一个玩具和游戏开发人员,我试图源塑料或树脂为我的孩子们的游戏,玩游戏件的塑料制造商。

    I am from New Zealand , I am a Toy and Game developer and am trying to source a plastic manufacturer for plastic or resin game playing pieces for my children 's game .

  30. 因为当她到了像我现在这样年龄的时候,她会发现,书籍比所有馅饼和糕点、玩具和游戏以及世界上所有的名胜更吸引人。

    For when she is as old as I am , she will find that they are better than all the tarts and cakes , toys and plays , and sights in the world .