
  • 网络Viren;velen;Vhaeraun;Wilen
  1. 最近维伦和剩下的德莱尼幸存者夺得并控制了暴风城塞的一座卫星建筑,并以之逃脱到艾泽拉斯。(喏。这就是那个岛。)

    Recently Velen and the remaining draenei survivors gained control of one of Tempest Keep 's satellite structures and used it to escape to Azeroth .

  2. 你在想什么呢,维伦,我早会了。

    What you 're looking for , waylon , I already found .

  3. 就算不提其他,这部被维伦纽瓦称作“成年人的星球大战”的电影的演员阵容很可能是2020年最强大的。

    If nothing else , the film Villeneuve is calling " Star Wars for adults " could well have 2020 's finest cast .

  4. 有一件事是确定无疑的,这部被维伦纽瓦称作“献给成人的星球大战”的影片拥有2021年最豪华的演员阵容。

    One thing 's for sure , the film Villeneuve is calling " Star Wars for adults " has 2021 's most impressive cast .

  5. 无论改革表面如何,但财政部的提案场外交易市场仍牢牢控制在大型衍生品交易商银行手中,维伦称。

    Despite the appearance of reform , the Treasury proposal ... still leaves the OTC market firmly in the hands of the large derivatives-dealer banks , says Mr Whalen .

  6. 在位于印度北部的北方邦的维伦达文,身着粉色和白色衣服以庆祝印度胡里节的人们正在观看演出。

    Clad in shades of pink and white , celebrants of the Indian festival of Holi gather to watch a play in Vrindavan in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh .

  7. 但有一件事是再清楚不过的了,正如维伦所说,[银行]业正严阵以待,[雇佣了]游说人士和律师大军。

    The one thing that is crystal clear is that the [ banking ] industry is girding for battle , [ hiring ] armies of lobbyists and lawyers , as Mr Whalen says .

  8. 这部电影的导演丹尼斯?维伦纽瓦是导演界正在崛起的一颗新星,也是一个有远见的人。他执导的讲述外星人和人类初次接触的电影《降临》颇有深度的叙事手法和敏锐的视觉效果肯定让奥斯卡奖评委印象深刻。

    And it 's directed by rising visionary Denis Villeneuve , who dazzled many with his alien first-contact drama Arrival , a film of stunning narrative depth and visual acuity that may have also gone over Academy Awards voters " heads .

  9. 现在丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦也将弗兰克·赫伯特的星际史诗小说拍成了电影,从维伦纽瓦的上两部科幻电影(《降临》和《银翼杀手2049》)来看,他拍的《沙丘》应该比林奇的要成功得多。

    Now Denis Villeneuve has made his version of Frank Herbert 's epic interstellar novel , and , judging by Villeneuve 's last two science-fiction dramas , Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 , his Dune should be a lot more successful than Lynch 's.

  10. 如今轮到丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦来改编弗兰克·赫伯特的这部星际小说了。从他导演过的两部大气层科幻片——《降临》和《银翼杀手2049》——来看,他应该能拍得更好。

    Now Denis Villeneuve is having a turn at adapting Frank Herbert 's interstellar novel , and , judging by the two atmospheric science-fiction dramas he has already directed , Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 , he should make a better job of it .