
  • 网络Agus;argus
  1. 但afic表示,阿古斯“完全回避”了关于力拓的讨论。

    However , AFIC said Mr Argus had " excluded himself totally " from discussions about Rio .

  2. 赫尔墨斯装扮成一个牧羊人来到阿古斯面前,他唱有魔力的歌,讲乏味的故事哄他睡觉,然后杀死了他。

    Having garbed himself as a sheperd , Hermes lulled [ 2 ] Argus into sleep with his magic [ 3 ] songs and boring stories , and killed him .

  3. 阿古斯对这个问题的回答是,他在那家DNA公司只有很少的股份。

    Agus 's response ? That he has only a small stake in the DNA firm .

  4. 大约8年前,阿古斯创办了另一家公司,名叫AppliedProteomics。

    About eight years ago Agus started another company called Applied Proteomics .

  5. 阿古斯说,上个月英国的《每日镜报》(DailyMirror)刊发了一篇书评,介绍了他的新书,结果一下子有7000多人愤怒地发博文或写电子邮件对他进行谴责。

    When Agus 's book was reviewed by the Daily Mirror in England last month , he says he got 7000 angry blog and e-mail responses .

  6. 阿古斯也给自己的DNA画了像,还把结果展示在书里公之于众——他发现自己存在罹患心脏病的风险。

    When Agus had his own DNA profiled - the results are in the book for all to see - he found he was at risk of having a heart attack .

  7. 这位新任力拓董事长同时否认他已于上周末会见必和必拓(bhpbilliton)董事长唐阿古斯(donargus)的报道.“我没有同阿古斯见过面,”他表示。

    The new Rio chairman also dismissed reports that he had met don Argus , his BHP Billiton counterpart , at the weekend . " I have not met with Mr Argus , " he said .

  8. 在阿古斯的字典里,“患有癌症”意味着一个系统性的问题。

    In his lexicon , " cancering " suggests a systemic problem .

  9. 大卫•阿古斯博士坦言自己并不擅长治疗晚期疾病。

    Dr. David AGUS admits he is not good at treating advanced diseases .

  10. 阿古斯也相信,我们还需要一些新的工具才能真正了解我们的身体。

    Agus also believes we need new tools to really understand our bodies .

  11. 不过这点嘘声并不能使像阿古斯这样坚定的科学家感到气馁。

    A few Bronx cheers aren 't enough to discourage a scientist as determined as Agus .

  12. 相反,阿古斯更乐于从源头上预防这类疾病的发生。

    Instead , AGUS would like to prevent these diseases from happening in the first place .

  13. 不过也有人反对阿古斯的理论。

    His approach has its detractors .

  14. 阿古斯认为,我们应该把癌症和心脏病这类疾病看成一个动词,而不是名词。

    Agus believes that diseases like cancer and heart disease should be thought of as verbs and not nouns .

  15. 阿古斯在书中阐述了他的防病理论,并用相关研究和生动的病例进行了佐证。

    In it , he offers his prescription for preventive medicine , and backs it with studies and lively anecdotes .

  16. 实际上,阿古斯未来面临着更大的挑战——他需要让自己的理念被医学界广泛接受。

    Agus , however , has a bigger challenge ahead . He needs to get his ideas widely accepted by the medical community .

  17. 除此之外,他还有许多别的养生办法,这些办法好在并不需要我们做出什么超人的努力。阿古斯的许多养生之道都是常识性的,也就是培养健康的生活方式。

    The nice thing about his approach is that nothing requires a superhuman effort - a lot of it is just commonsense , healthy living .

  18. 阿古斯解释道,与其一次性进行大量高强度的激烈运动然后在桌子后面坐一整天,远远不如多走点路更好。

    Agus explains that it 's better to walk a lot than to do an intense burst of exercise and then sit behind a desk all day .

  19. 据阿古斯估算,如果某位员工因为阅读了这本书而改变生活方式,并因此预防了心脏病的发生,那么戴尔公司未来仅在这一位员工身上就可以节省7.8万美元的医疗成本。

    If just one employee reads the book and changes his or her lifestyle enough to prevent a heart attack , the company will avoid $ 78,000 in future health care costs , according to AGUS .