
  • 网络osd;Vdm;NFR-ZD-S
  1. GPS数据的视频字符叠加器设计

    A Video Character of the On Screen Display Design for GPS Data

  2. 利用字符叠加器使电视监控与数据采集有机地结合在一起;

    Integrate TV monitoring with data organically via character superimposer ;

  3. 一种新型的视频字符叠加器的设计

    Design of a new type of video character inserter

  4. 单片机视频字符叠加器的研究与设计

    A Disquisition and Design of the Video Frequency Word Adder Based on Scm

  5. 视频监控系统中双路视频字符叠加器设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Double On-screen Display Controller Based on Video System

  6. 电视字符叠加器设计

    Design of character generator for TV

  7. 一种新型字符叠加器及其在井下电视中的应用视频监控系统中双路视频字符叠加器设计与实现

    A New μ PD6450 and Its Uses in DHTV The Design and Realization of Double On-screen Display Controller Based on Video System

  8. 本文论述了检测机器人的步进电机驱动电路、视觉系统中的固态摄象机和字符叠加器,还介绍了接近觉传感器的应用。

    This paper discusses step mo - tor driven circuit of inspecting robot , Solid state camera and character inserter in visual system . Application of proximal sensor also is introduced .