
  • 网络Ethernet Fabric
  1. 基于ARM的嵌入式冗余双以太网结构可靠性设计

    The Reliability Design of Embedded Redundancy Double Ethernet Structure Based On ARM

  2. 主干网络采用工业以太网结构,将以纤维缠绕机为主的缠绕装备组建成一个小型的监控网络,并实现与上层网络(企业局域网或Internet)的互联。

    Using the industrial Ethernet technology , we connect many filament winding machines and auxiliary equipments into a small monitoring control network , which can also be connected with enterprise network or Internet .

  3. 纯以太网结构的非线性编辑网络实验室的搭建

    The Setup for the Net Lab by Non-linearly Editing of The Unmixed Ethernet

  4. 通过对当前工业控制系统的研究,结合工业控制现场的实际情况,设计了具有双冗余环结构的现场以太网结构,能够在较短时间内完成故障探测和修复。

    Through the study of current industrial control system and the actual status of industrial control field , design an Ethernet structure used in industrial field with double redundancy ring .

  5. 该系统采用无根分枝树型以太网结构,符合基于C/S网络模式的各工序物料管理、物料消耗管理要求,同时也符合当前网络技术发展趋势,具有较高的性价比。

    This system is based Ethernet structure which has not the root , and based on B / S network mode , according with the management and consumption of every working procedure and the development trend of present network technology , and it have higher cost performance .

  6. 介绍了该芯片的主要性能,以及以太网帧结构、CRC(循环冗余校验)-32的实现和载波侦听协议。

    This chip is of low power consumption and has high performance . This paper also introduces the structure of Ethernet , CRC-32 and CSMA / CD .

  7. 首先介绍数据通信是通过数据包实现的,给出以太网的结构、IP数据包结构和TCP数据报结构。

    It is point out that the data communication is achieved by data packet . Then , this paper discusses the architecture of the internet , the IP packet , and the architecture of the TCP datagram .

  8. 分析并比较三种嵌入式以太网网络结构可靠性,详细介绍了基于ARM的嵌入式冗余双以太网结构的硬件结构及驱动程序的技术实现,该结构有效的提高了工业现场测控网络通讯的可靠性。

    The reliabilities of three embedded Ethernet structures are analyzed and compared . The hardware structure and the drivers ' realization of the embedded redundancy double Ethernet based on ARM is presented in detail . The structure improves effectively the communicating reliability of measuring and control network in industrial field .

  9. 在介绍以太网体系结构的基础上,重点分析了以太网基本帧格式和千兆以太网物理子层及其功能,论述了发送时钟合成与接收时钟恢复技术;详细描述了AES算法及其加、解密流程。

    Based on the Ethernet architecture , we analyze the Ethernet frame formation and sub-layer with its function of 1000M Ethernet . Besides , we describe the sending clock composition and receiving clock recovery technique , AES algorithm and encryption / decryption process . 3 .

  10. 一种新型工业以太网拓扑结构发现方法

    New Algorithm for Topology Discovery on Ethernet-based Industrial Networks

  11. 以太网拓扑结构自动探测算法

    Top Structure Automatic Detecting Arithmetic in Ethernet

  12. 基于国际标准的十一种工业实时以太网体系结构研究(上)

    Architecture Research of Eleven Types of Industrial Real-time Ethernet Based on International Standard ( 1 )

  13. 在以太网拓扑结构中引入冗余容错技术、传输线路的抗干扰能力增强、防火墙的设置等都增强了以太网的可靠性和安全性。

    Technology of fault-tolerant and redundancy , enhancement on performance on anti-interfere of transmission lines , firewalls all improve the reliability and security of Ethernet .

  14. 以太网具有结构简单、使用方便、价格低廉等优点,所以一直在局域网内占主导地位。

    Because of Ethernet ' advantages of simple , easy to use , inexpensive etc. , it has been dominant in the local area networks ( LAN ) .

  15. 通过采用以太网星形结构的网络连接方式,将分散控制系统由总线形网络拓朴结构改为星形网络拓扑结构。

    Through using network connecting mode of ether star structure , the distribubuted control system has been changed from busbar network topologic structure into a star network topologic structure .

  16. 为解决运动控制网络中存在的网络延时和网络同步问题,通常使用改变以太网物理结构或通信调度的方法对网络进行改进。

    In order to solve the network delay and synchronization problem in motion control network , methods of changing Ethernet physical structure or communication scheduling have been used to improve the network .

  17. 以太网电话机结构紧凑、性能可靠、使用方便,不仅可用于网内的语音交换,还可为网络语音调度技术提供一种新的思路。

    The Ethernet telephone set has compact structure , reliable performance and is convenient for use , it is not only used for voice switching in network , but also provides a new approach for network voice dispatching technology .

  18. 基于压缩Trie树的以太网地址查找结构

    Ethernet MAC Address Lookup Architecture Based on Compacted Trie

  19. 在分析网络层和数据链路层拓扑发现的区别的基础上,提出了一种基于SNMP和STP的分层工业以太网网络拓扑结构图发现算法。

    This paper addresses the difference of topology discovery between the network layer and the data link layer . And we present a new algorithm based on the SNMP and STP , working for the topology discovery in large industrial networks .

  20. 以太网交换机体系结构与实现技术分析

    The Analyzes of Architecture and Realize Technology on Ethernet Switch

  21. 交换式以太网物理拓扑结构的自动发现

    Automatic Discovery of Physical Topology in Switched Ethernets

  22. 以太网交换机体系结构的设计

    Design of an architecture for Ethernet switch

  23. 其硬件采用计算机工作站,X-终端,PC机和以太网通信的结构;

    The computer workstation , x terminals , PC and ethernet communication were adopted as the hardware system .

  24. 炼钢厂局域网为快速以太网,拓扑结构是以中心交换机为核心的星型结构。

    The network in Steel Plant is a fast Ethernet , its topology is a star construction with the exchanger core .

  25. 介绍了两种以太网的系统结构,即控制中心网络结构和设备中心网络结构;

    It introduces two kinds of ethernet system structure , which are the network structures of control center and equipment center .

  26. 本文介绍了光纤通信系统和万兆以太网的体系结构,给出了其各项电路指标。

    This paper introduces the system structure of 10Gbit / s Ethernet and optical transmission systems and submits several circuit target .

  27. 现有的指挥信息系统,其网络结构一般采用骨干网络多冗余信道备份的多级以太网广域互连结构。

    Existing command information systems , the general structure of its network backbone network using multiple redundant multi-channel backup Ethernet WAN interconnection structure .

  28. 针对星型以太网的拓扑结构在许多场合不能完全反映分散式厂站监控系统中监控设备和监控点分散分布的特点,提出了一种用于分散式厂站自动化监控领域的合理的系统组网模式。

    The topological structure of start Ethernet does not completely meet the requirements of distributed substation automation system for the distribution of decentralized monitoring devices or points in many application conditions .

  29. 对青岛某污水处理厂污水处理控制系统中以太网通讯网络结构,提出了通讯及双机冗余实施技术问题的解决方案。

    This paper based on a sewage disposal plants introduces the Ethernet communication structure of waste water disposal control system , and presents methods to solve the problem of communication with double host computer system for monitoring .

  30. 叙述了以太网交换机的结构、端口缓存交换策略,从排队论出发建立仿真模型和仿真流程,按数理统计原理用t函数进行均值假设检验,验证仿真模型及流程的可信度。

    This paper propose the structure , memory and switch way of Ethernet switch , build simulation model and simulation flow diagram based on queuing theory , do average hypothesis verifying with t-function within mathematical statistics in order to verifying the reliability level of the simulation model and simulation flow .