
  • 网络the beijing declaration;the Beijing Declaration of Indigenous Women
  1. 《北京宣言》是赋予妇女权利进程中的一个里程碑。

    The Beijing Declaration was a landmark on the road to women 's empowerment .

  2. 执行北京宣言和行动纲要信托基金;

    Trust fund for the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and platform for action ;

  3. 环境与发展问题部长级会议北京宣言

    Beijing Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Development

  4. 我认为,你们在本届大会期间将审议的北京宣言草案也体现了这一观点。

    I believe this view is also captured in the draft Declaration of Beijing that you will be considering during this congress .

  5. 在南南人权论坛结束之后,论坛发布了300多个与会国际代表共同签署的《北京宣言》。

    In concluding the consensus reached during the event , the forum has issued the " Beijing Declaration " to announce the common views shared by the over 300 international participants .

  6. 阿克马德·伊斯马伊洛夫是乌兹别克斯坦国家人权中心的第一副主任,他在谈到论坛及《北京宣言》的时候表示,他从中国这里学到了很多经验,他将把在论坛上了解到的有用信息带回国内。

    Referring to the declaration and the forum , Akhmad Ismailov , First Deputy Director of the National Human Rights Center in Uzbekistan , said he has learned a lot in China and will bring back useful information from the meeting .

  7. 联合国水电与可持续发展研讨会还通过了《水电与可持续发展北京宣言》,表明了水电建设者的决心,就是要用科学的态度和方法,促进环境友好、对社会负责和经济可行的水电发展。

    In the United Nations Symposium on Hydropower and Sustainable Development , the Beijing Declaration on Hydropower and Sustainable Development was agreed upon for promoting an environmental friendly , socially responsible and economically viable development of hydropower resources in scientific manners and means .

  8. 落实《水电与可持续发展北京宣言》大力开发湖北水电资源我国幅员辽阔,自然水资源丰富且分布广阔,非常适合发展水电。

    Put " Beijing Declaration on Hydropower & Sustainable Development " into Effect , Make Great Effort to Develop Hydropower Resources in Hubei Province Given the enormity of its landmass and the abundance of water supply , China is naturally endowed with the ability to develop hydropower .

  9. 2014年,APEC领导人宣布《北京反腐败宣言》通过,标志着中国在打击腐败的国际斗争中迈出了重要的一步。此后,反腐举措陆续出台。

    In 2014 , the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption was adopted by APEC leaders , marking the first major step by Chinese authorities in the international battle to corruption . Since then , a series of additional steps have been made .

  10. 北京区域经济合作宣言

    Beijing Declaration of Regional Economic Cooperation