
  1. 北京中医药大学教授GaoXuemin表示:153种中药包含熊胆汁。

    Professor Gao Xuemin from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine said : 153 kinds of Chinese medication contain bear bile .

  2. 新仪器的研制北京中医药大学和中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所在MX-Ⅱ、ZJ-3型多功能脉图仪等的基础上联合研制出实验用NX-3多功能脉图仪。

    Developing new apparatus Beijing university of TCM and Biomedical Engineering Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences have developed NX-3 multifunctional sphygmograph for experiment application which was based on ZJ-3 multifunctional sphygmograph .

  3. 单位:北京中医药大学中心实验室。

    SETTING : Center Laboratory of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine .

  4. 北京中医药大学学位与研究生教育30年回顾与展望

    Education of academic degree and postgraduate in 30 years in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

  5. 我们热烈鼓掌欢迎北京中医药大学的教授们。

    We welcomed the professors of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with warm applause .

  6. 从读者反馈谈《北京中医药大学学报(中医临床版)》的发展

    On development of Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( Clinical Medicine ) from readers ' feedback

  7. 北京中医药大学

    Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

  8. 《北京中医药大学学报》2001-2008年载文被引分析

    Analysis on cited papers in Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 2001 to 2008

  9. 《北京中医药大学学报》临床治疗试验论文的评价

    Evaluation on the Articles of Clinical Therapeutic Trial Published in Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  10. 2005我从北京中医药大学毕业,先是做了一名护士。

    When I graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2005 , I first worked as a nurse .

  11. 单位:北京中医药大学东直门医院教育部中医内科学重点实验室暨北京市中医内科学重点实验室。

    SETTING : Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ), Ministry of Education .

  12. 22岁的王磊(音译)毕业于北京中医药大学,他现在是一名药品销售人员。

    Wang Lei , 22 , a graduate from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine , is now a medical salesman .

  13. 本系统已应用于北京中医药大学的生命节律研究。

    Now , it has been applied to the researches of biorhythm in Beijing Univsersity of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy .

  14. 地点、材料和干预:本实验在北京中医药大学细胞与生化实验室完成。

    SETTING , PARTICIPANTS and INTERVENTIONS : The experiment was completed in Cell and Biochemistry Laboratory of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine University .

  15. 方法:实验在北京中医药大学针灸学院针灸机理实验室完成。

    Methods The experiment was done in the Acupuncture Mechanism Lab of the department of acupuncture & moxibustion in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine .

  16. 北京中医药大学中药学课程现已建设成为教育部批准的2004年国家精品课程。

    Chinese pharmacy of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine was approved by the Ministry of Education in 2004 to be a national fine course .

  17. 北京中医药大学图书馆已形成了一个以中医药文献为主、西医文献为辅、兼容其它学科的藏书体系。

    The University Library has already become a system in which literature of Chinese medicine , Western medicine and other branches of sciences is stored .

  18. 北京中医药大学中医药数字博物馆,依托数据库和多媒体展示手段,通过网络向社会提供了一个全面完整、形象生动的中医药信息系统。

    The digital museum of Chinese medicine in our university provides the society with complete , comprehensive , and vivid information by means of data bank and multi-media technology .

  19. 北京中医药大学始终注重中医药教育改革与创新,紧密围绕教学中心工作,努力探索中医药教育发展的新途径;

    Beijing University of Chinese Medicine has always attached great importance to reform and innovation of education of Chinese medicine by sticking closely to teaching work and exploring new means for development .

  20. 刘燕池教授是国家级名老中医,北京中医药大学教授、主任医师、博士生导师。

    Professor Liu Yanchi , Chief Physician and MD tutor at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , is a national famous doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( short for TCM ) .

  21. 本人毕业于北京中医药大学,具有良好的中医药学知识功底,在校期间研习了专业英语(中医药方面),立志成为优秀的专业翻译人才。

    I graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine , and have rich knowledge of traditional chinese medicine . I studied specialized English about my major . I want to be a outstanding translator .

  22. 查明研究《伤寒论》的核心中医院校按顺序为:广州中医医药大学、北京中医药大学、南京中医药大学。

    Find out the Core Participants of TCM Educational Institutions in the Research of " Treatise On Febrile Diseases " according to its quantitive order are Guangzhou University of TCM , Beijing University of TCM , Nanjing University of TCM . 5 .

  23. 对象与方法:本次研究对象为北京中医药大学管理学院1995-2003届公共事业管理专业本科毕业生,除1996届停招外,共计8届。

    Object and Method : The object of this research is the graduate of Management Institute of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , specialized in the PCM , from 1995 to 2003 . With the stop of 1996 classes , there are 8 classes in total .

  24. 王琦教授是国家人事部、卫生部、国家中医药管理局遴选的全国五百名著名老中医之一,北京中医药大学教授,中医基础理论专业博士生导师。

    Being the professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and doctoral supervisor in Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Wang Qi is one of the 500 famous veteran doctors in TCM selected by Ministry of Personnel , Ministry of Health and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  25. 从2001年开始,北京中医药大学相继推出了大学生科技创意大赛、创业方案大赛、科研课题招标、学术成果展览、知识竞赛、科技论文大赛、学术讲座等多项活动。

    Since 2001 , Beijing University of Chinese Medicine began to organize many activities for college students such as Science and Technology Originality Competition , Career Project Competition , Public Bidding for Scientific Research , Academic Achievement Exhibition , Knowledge Competition , Scientific Paper Writing Competition and academic lectures .

  26. 学校主办有国家一级学术期刊《北京中医药大学学报》、《北京中医药大学学报(中医临床版)》和《中医教育》杂志,是中医药学术交流的重要园地。

    The university publishes state-level , class academic periodicals entitles Journal of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine " , " Journal of the Beijing Universify of Chinese Medicine ( Clinical Edition ) " and " Traditional Chinese Medicine Education " . They are important windows for traditional Chinese medical academic exchange .

  27. 北京市中医药管理局相关负责人称,中医文化进校园不仅是要讲中医知识,也是一种文化的熏陶。

    The TCM program is not merely an introduction to a certain knowledge , but a cultural inspiration as well , said a source from Beijing 's TCM Administration Bureau .

  28. 记者从北京市中医药管理局获悉,为了在学生中普及基础中医药知识,下学期起,北京市各小学将统一开设中医课程。

    Primary schools in Beijing will open Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) classes during the following semester in order to spread knowledge regarding basic TCM among students , according to the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau .

  29. 北京:中国中医药协会日前召开媒体沟通会,就目前备受舆论关注的活熊取胆做出回应,否认活熊取胆很残忍的说法,并承诺可以协助媒体参观对公众封闭的养熊场。

    BEIJING - A Chinese medicine professional denied claims that the practice of extracting bear bile is cruel and promised to give media a chance to visit the country 's bear farms .

  30. “中医文化进校园”是北京市开展中医药文化建设年工作的内容之一,由市中医局、市教委、市文化局、市卫生局等多部门联合举办,旨在在校园内传播中医药传统文化。

    In an aim to popularize TCM culture on campus , this new program is to be carried out as part of the TCM Culture Construction Year and is spearheaded by several municipal government departments including the Beijing TCM Administration Bureau , Beijing Municipal Commission of Education , Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health .