
ruǎn ɡǔ liú
  • chondroma
  1. CT诊断髌骨皮质旁软骨瘤1例报告

    One Case : CT Diagnosis of Juxtacortical Chondroma of the Patella

  2. 颅内软骨瘤的CT、MRI诊断

    CT and MRI diagnosis of intracranial chondroma

  3. 颞下颌关节滑膜软骨瘤病的MRI表现

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Synovial Chondromatosis in the Temporomandibular Joint

  4. 目的总结探讨颅内软骨瘤的CT、MRI特点。

    Objective To summarize and study the features of intracranial chondroma on CT and MRI imaging .

  5. 1例CT检查显示滑膜软骨瘤病向上经颞骨关节面侵犯颅内(大脑颞叶脑膜)。

    One lesion with intracranial involvement through the dura of temporal lobe of cerebrum was noticed by CT .

  6. 目的评价CT诊断孤立性骨软骨瘤恶变的价值,探讨该疾病的影像学检查技术路线。

    Objective to Evaluate the value of CT on diagnosis of canceration isolated osteochondroma and to investigate the imaging technique line of the disease .

  7. 跟骨骨折的CT检查及其价值青春期后,发生在非长骨的不典型部位,临床表现为疼痛、骨软骨瘤进行性增大的患者,应常规做CT检查。

    The Isolated osteochondroma that take place after adolescence , on no-long_bone and the clinical manifestation is pain , augmentation incessantly should receive CT check .

  8. 结论头颅X线片和CT对鞍旁颅中窝大量钙化的软骨瘤容易诊断。

    Conclusion It is easy to diagnose chondromas which was in saddle side middle cranial fossa with calcification in plain radiograph and CT of skull .

  9. 方法对1994年1月至2004年9月经手术病理证实的10例颅内软骨瘤的CT、MRI特点进行回顾性分析。

    Methods CT and MRI findings of ten cases of intracranial chondroma proved by surgery and pathology from 1994.1 to 2004.9 were retrospectively analyzed .

  10. 结论CT引导下软骨瘤穿刺活检,提高了病理学检查取材的准确性和软骨肉瘤的术前病理诊断率。

    Conclusion With the application of CT-guided biopsy , the accurate rate of pathologic examination and the rate of pathologic diagnosis of chondrosarcoma before operation are improved .

  11. 方法回顾分析5例经临床、X线平片及CT检查,且手术病理证实为遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤恶变的影像学表现。

    Methods A retrospective analysis was done in 5 cases with canceration of hereditary multiple osteochondroma that were proved by operative histology , X ray and CT scanning .

  12. 转移瘤、垂体瘤及软骨瘤的T1、T2呈中度延长。

    The T1 and T2 of metastasis , pituitary adenoma and chondroma were prolonged moderately .

  13. USS治疗胸腰椎骨折脊柱骨软骨瘤

    Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Treated with USS

  14. Ets-1在颌骨软骨肉瘤和骨软骨瘤中的表达及意义

    Expression and Significance of Ets-1 in Chondrosarcoma and Osteochondroma of the Jaws

  15. 结果Survivin基因在骨肉瘤中的阳性表达率为65.71%,在骨软骨瘤和正常骨组织中未见表达;

    Results : Survivin positive expression rate was 65.71 % in osteosarcoma , but no expression of Survivin was detectable in osteochondroma and normal osseous tissue .

  16. 多发性骨软骨瘤并假性Madelung畸形1例

    Multiple osteochondroma and pseudo Madelung abnormality : case report

  17. 57.9%的骨肉瘤组织表达Cox-2阳性,显著高于骨软骨瘤组织的表达率(25.0%)(P<0.05)。

    The expression of Cox - 2 was detected in a greater proportion of osteosarcoma ( 57.9 % ) than that of osteochondroma ( 25.0 % )( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 结论:蛋白多糖侧链HS链及Perlecan的表达改变说明蛋白多糖在遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤发病中起重要作用。

    Conclusion : Abnormal expression of HS and perlecan shows that proteoglycan plays an important role in the pathogenesis of hereditary multiple exostosis .

  19. 本文报道5例经手术及病理证实的气管原发良性肿瘤(平滑肌瘤2例,乳头瘤、息肉和软骨瘤各1例),其中3例行CT扫描,2例行MRI检查。

    Five cases of primary benign tumor of the trachea ( leiomyoma in 2 cases , papilloma , polyp and chondroma in 1 case respectively ) proved by operation and pathology were reported . CT scan was performed in 3 cases and MRI in 2 cases .

  20. 结果:在骨肉瘤中survivin与NF-κBp65蛋白阳性表达率分别为75.3%、63.5%,而在骨软骨瘤中的阳性表达率均为0.0%。

    Result : The positive rates of survivin and NF - κ B proteins in osteosarcoma cases were 75.3 % and 63.5 % respectively , both positive rates were obviously higher than in osteochondroma cases .

  21. 目的:探讨遗传性多发性外生骨软骨瘤(hereditarymultipleexostosis,HME)的临床及影像学特征,以说明发病部位特点及规律。

    Objective : To investigate the distribution of locations of hereditary multiple exostosis ( HME ) by analyzing the clinical and imaging characters of the disease .

  22. 结果p18蛋白在骨巨细胞瘤中的阳性率为61.9%,骨软骨瘤中阳性率为30%。

    Result : The positive rate of p18 was 61.9 % in the group of GCT and 30 % in the group of osteochondromas .

  23. 结果:1、在骨肉瘤中bFGF、Endostatin和CD34的阳性率分别为76.7%、86.7%、96.7%,三者在骨肉瘤和骨软骨瘤中的阳性表达率均有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Results : ( 1 ) The positive expression rate of bFGF 、 endostatin and CD34 protein in osteosarcoma was respectively 76.7 % 、 86.7 % 、 96.7 % . There were prominent differences between osteosarcoma and osteochondroma groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 结果骨肉瘤组织中uPA、uPA-R蛋白的阳性表达率分别为74.2%和58.1%,骨软骨瘤组织阳性表达率为16.7%和8.3%,骨肉瘤组织uPA、uPA-R蛋白阳性表达率明显高于骨软骨瘤(P<0.01)。

    Results The positive expression rates of uPA and uPA-R oncoproteins were 74.2 % and 58.1 % % in osteosarcoma , whereas 16.7 % and 8.3 % in osteochondroma respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. caveolin-1在骨肉瘤组中阳性表达率为61.9%,在骨软骨瘤组中为14.3%,两组间具有显著性差异(P0.01),有统计学意义,表明caveolin-1在骨肉瘤中高表达。

    The positive rate of caveolin-1 in osteosarcoma group was 61.9 % , the control group was 14.3 % , the significant difference was found between the two groups , withdrawn the statistical significance of P0.01 , it manifests caveolin-1 was highly expressed in osteosarcoma .

  26. 结果骨肉瘤中MMP-2、MMP-9蛋白酶及NF-κBp65蛋白阳性表达率为76.5%、75.3%、63.5%,明显高于骨软骨瘤阳性表达率0.0%,有显著差异性(P<0.01)。

    Results The positive rate of MMP-2 、 MMP-9 and NF - κ B proteins in osteosarcoma cases was 76.5 % , 75.3 % and 63.5 % respectively , and was obviously higher than that ( 0.0 % ) in osteochondroma cases ( P < 0.01 ) .

  27. MRI:MRIT1WI像不均匀低信号及不均匀增强,T2WI像不均匀高信号4例,手术病理诊断:软骨瘤6例,软骨肉瘤1例。

    MRI : Inhomogeneous low signal and inhomogeneous intensification were showed on T1 weighted images and inhomogeneous high signal was seen on T2 weighted images in 4.Operative pathological diagnosis : 6 cases were diagnosed as chondromas , 1 case as chondrosarcoma .

  28. 肌腱断裂部位距掌指关节1cm以内,应用肌腱劈开延长,吻合口避开拇长屈肌腱鞘狭窄区;左足拇长屈肌腱鞘部骨外软骨瘤1例

    If the distance was between 0.5 cm and 1 cm , the tendon was split , the anastomosis was kept away from the flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath . One case of chondroma in the tendon sheath of flexor hallucis longus

  29. 肋骨的骨膜软骨瘤:1例病例报道及文献回顾

    Periosteal chondroma of the rib-Report of a case and literature review

  30. 手部掌骨孤立性内生软骨瘤恶变4例报告

    Malignant degeneration of enchondroma metacarpal in hand : 4 cases report