
ɡuò jì zhuǎn yí
  • adoptive transfer
  1. 并通过过继转移实验、外源IL-2对耐受小鼠供体特异性MLR的影响等进一步探讨耐受形成的机制。

    Adoptive transfer and the effect of IL - 2 on MLR were detected to further explore the tolerance mechanism .

  2. 小鼠过继转移致敏小肠IEL抗弓形虫感染

    Adoptive Transfer Primed Intestinal Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Protect Mouse Against Infection Toxoplasma gondii

  3. 通过过继转移免疫耐受性DC,可明显降低糖尿病高血糖以及小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖能力,与模型对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    Both of the high level blood glucose and T cell proliferation were decreased significantly by adoptive transfer of tolerogenic DC ( P < 0.01 );

  4. 在生物医学研究领域,如肿瘤治疗、抗微生物感染研究显示,过继转移功能性修饰后的DC细胞能够起到有效的免疫调节作用。

    In the biomedical research field , such as cancer treatment and microbial infections , the research showed adoption of the transfer function after modification DC cells could rise the effective immune adjustment effect .

  5. IL-15基因转染人CIK细胞过继转移治疗胃癌的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Treatment of Gastric Cancer with Human CIK Cells Transfected with Human IL-15 Gene

  6. 过继转移至同系小鼠体内的脾细胞,可明显抑制Lewis肺癌(LLC)的局部生长和自发肺转移(P<0.05~0.01)。

    The splenocytes of the irradiated mice adoptively transferred to syngeneic mice significantly inhibited Lewis lung carcinoma ( LLC ) growth and spontaneous pulmonary metastasis ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  7. 以血清过继转移的大鼠无一发病,但该组外周血中抗CCⅡ抗体的水平明显高于对照组(P<0.05);

    All of the rats transferred with serum showed no appearance of CIA , but the level of anti CC ⅱ antibody was significantly higher than that of control ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 通过耐受小鼠脾淋巴结细胞体内过继转移试验及移植物抗宿主反应试验(GVHR),对耐受的机理进行了探讨。

    The mechanism of the tolerance was studied through adoptive transfer test and GVHR assay in vivo .

  9. 于第20天对受体小鼠进行迟发型超敏反应、单向混和淋巴细胞反应(MLR)、IL-2逆转试验、过继转移实验和嵌合体检测等耐受状态的检测,以探讨耐受机制。

    The twenty days after induction of tolerance , the tolerance mechanisms were investigated with delayed type hypersensitivity , mixed lymphocyte reaction , IL-2 reverse experiment , adoptive transfer and chimerism .

  10. 2。过继转移去除肺泡巨噬细胞的BAL细胞则可引起哮喘样的肺部炎症,且效应与转移的细胞数量有关。

    Transferring BAL cells free of macrophages to naive mice induces the lung inflammation like asthma , and the inflammation level is consistent with the infused cell number .

  11. 体内,过继转移HSP60特异性CD4+CD25+T细胞组小鼠动脉粥样斑块面积显著小于对照组。

    The atherosclerotic plaques in the CD4 + CD25 + T cells treated mice were smaller than untreated animals .

  12. 通过皮肤移植、混合淋巴细胞反应(MLR)检测耐受状态,并通过体外过继转移实验、IL2逆转实验等探讨免疫耐受的机制。

    On day 7 skin grafting was performed and the skin survival was observed . The tolerance mechanism was investigated by mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ), IL-2 reverse test , adoptive transfer assay in vitro .

  13. 致敏IEL过继转移使肠道IgA水平升高,提示致敏IEL过继转移能上调肠道黏膜的免疫应答,导致黏膜性IgA分泌增加,诱导黏膜抗体的保护性免疫应答。

    These results suggest that immune protection provided by primed IEL were higher than that provided by unprimed IEL and that the primed IEL adoptive transfer can up-regulate the mucosa immune response in Peyer 's patches and level of IgA antibody and induce protective mucosal cell and antibody response .

  14. 胃癌患者术后早期多种免疫活性细胞联合过继转移治疗研究

    Research on Early Postoperative Adoptive Multiple-cellular Immunotherapy in Gastric Cancer Patients

  15. 胶原诱导性关节炎大鼠淋巴细胞的过继转移

    Adoptive transfer of the lymphocytes in the Wistar rats with type ⅱ collagen-induced arthritis

  16. 然而,仅过继转移CD4+NKT细胞会抑制T细胞免疫。

    However , only adoptive transfer of CD4 + NKT cells suppress T cell immunity .

  17. NOD/SCID小鼠过继转移实验表明口服耐受诱导产生了免疫抑制性淋巴细胞。

    The NOD / SCID mouse adoptive transfer experiment demonstrated that oral tolerance induced immunosuppressive lymphocyte .

  18. 髓源性树突状细胞过继转移诱导1型糖尿病小鼠免疫耐受及其机制

    Immune tolerance and its mechanism induced by adoptive transfer of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells in mice with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

  19. 这一程序被称为过继转移,是一种肿瘤免疫治疗策略,已经用于多种人类肿瘤的临床试验。

    This procedure , referred to as adoptive transfer , is an immunotherapy strategy against cancer being tested in a number of human clinical trials .

  20. 观察、记录移植物的存活时间,通过过继性转移实验,MLR、CTL活性测定及嵌合体分析,探讨耐受机制。

    MLR , CTL activity , analysis of chimerism and adop-tive transfer tests were used to investigate the mechanism of tolerance .

  21. 通过过继性转移试验及第三者试验,发现移心延长的动物体内存在有非特异性的抑制性T细胞群。

    The adoptive transfer and the third party test showed the presence of nonspecific group of suppressor T cells in the MST prolonged mice .

  22. 于第16天和第19天分别过继性转移Gr-1+CD11b+髓样前体细胞到哮喘/处理组小鼠体内,进行治疗。

    On day 16 and day 19 , Gr-1 ~ + CD11b + myeloid-derived cells were adoptively transferred into the asthma / treated group mice by the tail vain .