
jiǎn chá rén
  • Inspected by;examiner;rummager
  1. 一个检查人会在一家大的自选市场归还钱给一个客户吗?

    Would a check-out person at a large supermarket return money to a customer ?

  2. 利用原子吸收分析法检查人血清中的锌和铜

    Determination of Zinc and Copper Concentrations in Human Serum by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

  3. 检查人的因素,考虑更改将带来什么影响。

    Looking at the human element , consider what impact the changes will bring .

  4. 用猫眼来检查人的身份。

    Use the peephole to check I.D.

  5. 每班运送人员前,必须检查人车的连接装置、保险链和防溜装置。

    Before transporting each shift of staff , linkages , safety chains and anti-sliding devices of man car must be checked .

  6. 计算机不仅能检查人的身体健康装康,而且他们能存储感染同一疾病患者的病例。

    Not only do computers check a person 's health but also they keep information records of patients with the same illness .

  7. 史蒂文森检查人的用好和坏的关系,并且在这两个之间对恒定的战争和平衡作评论。

    Stevenson examines man 's relationship with good and evil , and comments on the constant war and balance between the two .

  8. 运用博弈论分析完全信息下税务机关与纳税人、征税人与检查人之间的最优战略选择问题。

    The paper employed Game Theory to analyse the optimum strategic choice between the tax department and taxpayer , the tax collector and inspector .

  9. 需要将已开具的发票调出查验时,应当向被检查人开具发票换票证。

    When there is the need to transfer out the drawn up invoice for examination , the examiner should draw up an invoice change certificate .

  10. 检验抽取样品的数量不得超过检验的合理需要,并不得向被检查人收取检验费用。

    The quantity of samples drawn for test shall not be larger than that is reasonably needed , and no fees may be charged from the inspected .

  11. 公司之董事、监察人、经理人或其它职员,对于检查人关于业务财务之询问,有答复之义务。

    The directors , supervisors , managerial personnel , or other staff personnel shall have the obligation to answer the enquiries made by the Inspector regarding the operation and financial activities .

  12. 检查人、重整监督人或重整人,执行职务违反法令,致公司受有损害时,对于公司应负赔偿责任。

    An inspector , reorganization supervisor or reorganizer who violates law or ordinance in the performance of his duties , thereby causing loss or damage to the company , shall compensate the company .

  13. 证券商之董事会、监察人及经理人对于前二项检查人之查核作业应充分配合,不得有妨碍、拒绝或规避行为。

    The board of directors , supervisors and managers of a securities firm shall fully cooperate in the examination conducted by the inspectors in the aforesaid two paragraphs without any obstruction , rejection or circumvention .

  14. 电子肠镜检查人芽囊原虫感染者中有60%的病例出现不同程度肠道粘膜炎症改变,病变部位主要在左半结肠,占56.67%。

    60 % of all the patients infected with B. hominis revealed intestinal mucosal inflammation at different degrees by colonoscopy . The lesions mostly located at the left of the colon , accounting for 56.67 % .

  15. 这些过去被称之为“审判检查人”或“听证检查人”、如今则被称为“行政法法官”的官员享有若干法定保障。

    These officials , which were formerly known as " trial examiners " or " hearing examiners " and are now called " administrative law judges " or ai , js , have several statutory protections .

  16. 本部分,笔者针对实践需要以及我国现行《公司法》的立法状况,提出了引入检查人选任制度和增加相关司法解释的建议。

    In this session , according to the need of reality and the Legislative situation of our new Company Law , the author propose that our new Company Law should add the inspector choosing system and the relevant judicial interpretations .

  17. 最后,建议我国立法引进外部检查人制度,减少因行使查阅权的具体细节产生的纠纷;避免股东滥用查阅权影响公司正常经营,减少公司不合理的抗辩影响股东的合法权益。

    Finally , suggestions for legislation in our country external examination system , reduce the running right to consult the specific details of the dispute ; avoid shareholders inspection rights affect the normal business operation of the company , reduce unreasonable defences affect shareholders ' legal rights and interests .

  18. 主管机关于勒令银行停业并限期清理,或派员监管或接管时,不适用公司法有关临时管理人、检查人及重整之规定。

    When the competent authority orders a bank to suspend business and undergo rehabilitation within a certain time limit , or sends officials to take conservatorship or receivership over a bank , the provisions of the Company Act Concerning Temporary managers , inspectors , and reorganization shall not apply .

  19. 这些应用程序可以检查老年人的心率,并告诉他们按时吃药。

    The apps can check the old people 's heart rate and tell them to take their medicine on time .

  20. 为了移民而进行医疗检查的人将不再要求进行HIV检测。

    And H.I.V. testing will no longer be d for those who need a medical examination for immigration s.

  21. 对1984年至1994年食品从业人员健康检查88716人,HBsAg携带率为2.99%,城区高于农村,男性高于女性;

    In examining for health on 88716 cases of catering trade from 1984 to 1994 in Rizhao City , the HbsAg carried rate was 2 99 % . It was more in city than in country , and male than femal .

  22. 方法骨密度仪随机检测833名35岁以上年龄组正常人群的桡骨骨质密度(BMC/BW),含钙水平(BMC),且仔细检查每个人口腔余留牙、松动牙数目,龋齿情况。

    Methods BMD and BMC of the distal radius of 833 healthy people over 35 years old were measured randomly by single photon absorptiometry ( BMD 400E ), At the same time their number of teeth present , teeth luxated , teeth decayed were investigated carefully respectively .

  23. 眼动仪与眼电图检查正常人扫视运动的比较研究

    Comparison between an eye tracker and EOG in recording saccades

  24. 检查员被任命或雇佣进行检查的人。

    One who is appointed or employed to inspect something .

  25. 您将通过首先同步您的工作台,检查其他人的工作。

    You would examine others'work by synchronizing your workbench first .

  26. 肺吸虫血清学检查9072人,阳性率为4.00%。

    The positive rate of paragonimus of 9 072 people was 4.00 % .

  27. 肝吸虫检查4590人,阳性率为1.18%。

    The positive rate of Clonorchis sinensis of 4590 people was 1.18 % .

  28. 我们应该检查这个人能否呼吸。

    We should check that the person can breathe .

  29. 检查这个人胃里的物质。

    Examining the contents of that man 's stomach .

  30. 一个好的仲裁人是不会允许参与检查的人讨论任何缺陷以外的事情的。

    A good mediator does not allow reviewers to start discussing anything but defects .