
  • 网络MLs;Microwave landing system;MLS Microwave landing system
  1. 中央监控分机(简称CMC)是新一代微波着陆系统地面设备的监控中心,对系统内各个分机实时监控。

    Central monitoring and control cabinet ( CMC ) is the monitoring and control center of the ground equipments of the most updated MLS .

  2. 微波着陆系统天线模拟器的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of MLS Antennas Simulator

  3. 微波着陆系统(MLS)场地模型

    Microwave Landing System ( MLS ) Site Modelling

  4. 论述了仪表着陆系统(ILS)、微波着陆系统(MLS)的作用及应用前景和主要优缺点。

    The function , utilizing prospects , their advantages and disadvantages of ILS and MLS are discussed .

  5. 微波着陆系统(简称MLS)是一种全天候的精密进近着陆系统,为进近着陆飞机提供角度和距离引导信息。

    Microwave Landing System ( MLS ) is an all-weather and precision approach landing system , providing angle and distance guidance information for approaching aircrafts .

  6. 微波着陆系统角误差数字滤波器的设计与仿真

    The Design and Simulation of Angle Error Digital Filter in Microwave Landing System

  7. 精密测距系统(DME/P)是国际上新开发的无线电导航系统,它与微波着陆系统配合,为进场飞机提供精密进场着陆引导。

    Distance measuring equipment / precision ( DME / P ) is a newly developed radio navigation system in the world .

  8. 从微波着陆系统工作原理出发,分析讨论了角度测量过程中存在的误差源,及其所影响到的角度计算因子。

    This paper first discussed three main guiding system , and then , base on MLS principle , analyzed error sources as well as other factors that affect the measurement result .

  9. 某微波着陆系统采用微带相控阵天线,殷钢波导作为天线的关键零件,其加工精度将直接影响天线的指向精度。

    The microwave landing system adopts micro strip phased array antenna , invar waveguide , as an important part of antenna , its processing precision directly influences the pointing precision of antenna .

  10. 本文描述了联合战术微波着陆系统(TTMLS)机载角度接收机中的信号处理技术,即如何利用综合化数字电子设备设计技术和与飞机结构有关的天线,实现全天候进场和着陆引导。

    This paper describes how the signal precessing in the JTMLS airborne angle receiver provides all-weather precision approach and landing guidance by use of an integrated digital avionics design and associated airframe antennas .

  11. 微波着陆导引系统测角误差分析

    Research of measurement error in direction of microwave landing system

  12. 微波着陆引导系统多径效应的数字仿真

    Research on Numerical Simulation of the Multi-path Effects on Microwave Landing System

  13. 基于DSP的微波着陆信号处理系统设计

    Design of the DSP-based Microwave Landing Signal Processing System

  14. 微波着陆信息处理系统研究

    Research on Microwave Landing Information Processing System