
  • 网络Leica;Leica Camera;LAICA
  1. 徕卡M2型相机于1967年停产。

    The Leica M2 was discontinued in 1967

  2. 徕卡GPSRTK数据转换软件开发与应用

    Leica GPS RTK Data Format Transition Software

  3. 基于徕卡TCR系列全站仪的立式油罐容量标定测量系统

    The Columnar Tank Calibration System On Leica TCR series Total Station

  4. 基于徕卡GPS数据处理系统LGO的坐标转换问题

    Transition of LGO Coordinate Reference in GPS Data Processing System

  5. 浅谈徕卡GNSS连续运行参考站网(CORS)

    Continuous operation of Leica GNSS reference station network ( CORS )

  6. 应用徕卡显微系统观察CIK细胞、A549/DDP细胞的形态学特征。

    Using Leica microscope to observe the morphological features of A549 / DDP cells and CIK cells .

  7. 文章介绍了徕卡TCA监测系统在岩滩大坝变形监测中的应用。

    The application of leica TCA monitoring system to dam deformation monitoring at Yantan hydropower station is introduced .

  8. 周二,这家中国电信集团发布了最新款手机P9。这款配备先进的徕卡(Leicas)摄像头的手机,将让华为与三星(Samsung)和苹果(Apple)近期发布的手机一较高下。

    The Chinese telecoms group on Tuesday unveiled its latest handset , the P9 , which features an advanced Leica camera and will pit the company against recently launched devices from Samsung and Apple .

  9. 上周造势得最沸沸扬扬的此类解决方案是华为(Huawei)发布的线条流畅的P9手机。该款手机配备了双摄像头,并以与德国顶级的徕卡(Leica)相机公司进行品牌合作为卖点。

    Last week 's most-publicised such solution was Huawei 's sleek P9 , with its twin cameras and arresting co-branding with Germany 's elite Leica camera company .

  10. 这款智能手机配备了与徕卡(Leica)合作开发的高级摄像头,发售时基本款定价为480英镑。

    The smartphone , which includes an advanced camera developed in partnership with Leica , was launched with the price of £ 480 for the most basic model .

  11. 在M9发布前,《连线》杂志走访了位于德国索姆的徕卡工厂,让我们走进幕后,来看看徕卡是怎样制造那些举世闻名的相机的。

    Visited the Leica factory in Solms , Germany , before the M9 was released and looked behind the scenes to see how Leica builds its renowned cameras .

  12. P9配备了高端相机公司徕卡(Leicas)的摄像头,华为的一款智能手表镶嵌了施华洛世奇(Swarovski)的宝石,华为的平板设备采用了哈曼卡顿(HarmanKardon)音效。

    High-end camera companyLeica endorsed the P9 camera , one of the company 's smartwatches isencrusted with Swarovski crystal and Harman Kardon audio is used for Huawei 's tabletdevice .

  13. 徕卡相机和胶片产生了最佳的效果。

    The Leica camera and the celluloid film cooperated to produce the best possible results .

  14. 人们只能期盼这家中国制造商的消费群体听说过徕卡。

    One can only hope for the Chinese manufacturer that the consuming masses have heard of Leica .

  15. 当时,我用了一个50毫米的徕卡镜头,以1/30秒的快门拍到了这个模糊的影像。

    With a50mm Leica len , under the1 / 30 shutter speed , I took this blurred picture .

  16. 因此我非常感谢你们对徕卡所作出的贡献。

    I would like to express my thanks to all of you for your contribution to the Leica .

  17. 该功能是这家中国科技巨头与德国相机制造商徕卡合作推出的。

    The feature is the result of a collaboration between the Chinese tech firm and German camera-maker Leica .

  18. 立式油罐容量标定测量系统主要由徕卡TCRM/TCRA系列全站仪及相应软件组成。

    The columnar tank calibration system consists of a Leica TCRM / TCRA series total station and correlative software .

  19. 用徕卡TC2003采集各特征点,采用不量仪器高,固定棱镜高的方法推算各特征点的高程;

    Each point elevation was calculated by the method in which both the instrument height and the fix prism one were not concerned .

  20. 一位业内观察家表示,与徕卡合作的噱头应该能鼓励潜在买家,让其不会错过华为的这款双摄像头设备。

    One industry-watcher said that the tie-up with Leica should encourage potential buyers not to dismiss Huawei 's dual-camera facility as being a gimmick .

  21. 新厂房建成投入使用后,徕卡总公司的生产车间、行政管理部分及客服部门将从索姆迁驻韦茨拉尔新厂房。

    On completion , Leica Camera AG will be relocating production , administration and customer service from Solms to the new facilities in Wetzlar .

  22. 的10倍徕卡直流28-二百八十○毫米(相当于)镜头焦距,以适应几乎所有的风格和主题,在一个非常有用的单位。

    The10x Leica DC28-280mm ( equivalent ) lens provides focal lengths to suit almost every style and subject , in a single very useful unit .

  23. 总公司新址将继续为公众提供参观生产和组装车间的机会,同时为参观者开放徕卡博物馆、商店、摄影工作室,提供餐饮服务。

    The new headquarters will also offer manufacturing and assembly areas with public viewing opportunities , a Leica Museum , a store , a photo studio and a restaurant for visitors .

  24. 参观者从这里所展示的徕卡产品与过去、现在及未来的摄影艺术密不可分的关系中获得独一无二的体验。

    The past , present and future of the art of photography and the Leica products inseparably linked to its evolution are brought together here in the form of a unique experience .

  25. 这款智能手机主打精确的三维人脸检测、动态光照、图像美化,拥有自然的背景虚化效果和华为混合变焦,以及全球第一的徕卡前置摄像头,这个摄像头有一个更亮的传感器和大光圈,为用户带来更好的自拍体验。

    The latest smartphone features artistic portraits with precise 3D facial detection , dynamic illumination , portrait enhancements , natural bokeh effect and Huawei Hybrid Zoom as well as the world 's first Leica front camera with a new , brighter sensor and larger aperture for outstanding self-portraits .
