
  1. LTT1445Ab与2016年发现的另一个有“三个太阳”的系外行星HD131399Ab差别很大。

    LTT 1445Ab is very different from the 2016 discovery of HD 131399Ab , another exoplanet with three suns .

  2. 近三个太阳活动周黑子群的日面分布

    The Distribution of Sunspot Groups on Solar Disk in the Recent Three Cycles

  3. 周五早晨,内蒙古赤峰天空现奇观,出现“三个太阳”。

    And finally , people in Chifeng , Inner Mongolia , were treated to a rare sight on Friday morning , when three suns appeared in the sky .

  4. 在这三个之中太阳最大。

    The sun is the biggest of the three .

  5. 我们所居住的这个行星地球,是第三个靠近太阳的行星。

    The earth , the planet on which we are living , is the third planet from the sun .

  6. 三个月以来太阳未曾落下

    and the sun hasn 't set for three months .