
  1. 同一辆轿车这星期曾三次停在外面。

    The self-same car has been parked outside three tines this week .

  2. 压水堆核电厂三回路停泵水锤数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Pump-Stopping Water Hammer in Tertiary Circulating Water System of PWR Nuclear Power Plant

  3. 冷钾、冷钾异搏定和冷钾异搏定低钠三种停跳液对离体兔心保护效果的研究

    Study of the protective effect of three different cold cardioplegic solutions containing potassium , potassium & verapamil , and POTASSIUM-VERAPAMIL-LOW sodium , on the isolated rabbit heart

  4. 三架飞机停在跑道上,等候起飞。

    Three planes were standing on the tarmac , waiting to take off .

  5. 这时,那第三个人,停下来,不跑了。

    By this time , the third man had stopped running .

  6. 我的暗号是敲三下后停一停,然后再敲两下。

    My signal will be three knocks , a pause , then two more .

  7. 你说有三个人截停了你?

    You said three guys jumped you ?

  8. 浅谈整经机的三辊制停顺序

    3-bowl Roller Braking Sequence of Warping Machine

  9. 活动计划搞一个星期,结果搞了三天就停了。

    The activity program was made for one week , stopped in three days finally .

  10. 这部剧仅上演了三个晚上就停演了。

    The play closed after just three nights .

  11. 从氨基酸递质释放、mRNA表达和蛋白表达三个水平以及停药后0.5小时、6小时、12小时、24小时和48小时五个时间点来检测VPA慢性作用后快速停药对C6细胞的影响。

    After chronic treatment of C6 cells with VPA and then immediate withdrawal of the drug , the parameters interested were detected at three levels , the amino acid transmitters release , mRNA expression and protein expression levels .

  12. 讨论了三种两指标停点的关系,给出了两指标停点σ-域可换的几个条件,得到了F4条件的两个等价条件。

    The relations of the three two parameter stopping point s are discussed , several commutative conditions of the two parameter stopping point σ field are offered , and two equivalent conditions of the F 4 condition are obtained .

  13. 三个男孩不停地吃直到吃撑为止。

    The three boys ate until they thought they would burst .

  14. 第三部分主要考察停捐之论的社会成因。

    The third is mainly about the social reasons of stopping donation .

  15. 三元配合物停流-动力学分析法测定铝的研究

    Determination of Aluminum in Its Ternary Complex by Stop - Flow Kinetic Method

  16. 她的目光在我留给侍者的三个法郎上停了一会儿。

    Her eyes rested for an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter .

  17. 随着这三个黑洞不停地在银河系中旋转,引力会最终把它们拉的越来越近。

    As these objects continue to orbit at the center of their galaxy , gravity will eventually pull them closerand closer together .

  18. 纽约州公园系统准备在接下来的两到三年时间内关停一段时间美国部分的瀑布,

    The New York State parks system wants to turn off the falls on the American side sometime in the next two to three years

  19. 海斯继续向前开了三英尺后,停了下来,开始往后倒,他把车倒到那具尸体上,停下来,然后又开走了。

    Haze drove about twenty feet and stopped the car and then began to back it He backed it over the body and then stopped and got out .

  20. 第二天,那是这屋子的门关上的第三天,雪停了,对面的人家来探望压根就没有露面的老安东。

    the following day , the third day during which his house had been closed , the snow-storm ceased . Then his opposite neighbor stepped over to the house in which old Anthony lived , for he had not yet showed himself .

  21. 虽然由于收视率低,《星际迷航》在三季之后就停拍了,但它后来在多个频道播出后,很快受到疯狂追捧,粉丝们举办大会,穿着剧中的服装。

    Although the series was canceled after three seasons because of low ratings , a cultlike following - the conference-holding , costume-wearing Trekkies , or Trekkers ( the designation Nimoy preferred ) - coalesced soon after " Star Trek " went into syndication .

  22. 我们约定五局三胜,但到三局就停了,因为约翰连胜三局。

    We is play the best of five but we stop after three because John win them all .