
  • 网络The Three Families Alley
  1. 革命叙事中的爱情&《三家巷》中的爱情话语与时代语境

    Love in Revolutionary Narratives

  2. 小说《三家巷》不是红色经典中最富有影响力,但却是独具特色的。

    Among red classics , the novel The Three Family Alley is not the most influential , but it has its unique characteristics .

  3. 通过辨析《三家巷》的主题类型、周炳成长的复杂性,可以揭示文本内部不同话语相互交叉、渗透、龃龉、矛盾所形成的复杂的话语场。

    By analyzing the theme of " Sanjiaxiang " and the complexity of Zhou bing 's growth , This thesis Attempts to reveal the intricate conversational space in " Sanjiaxiang " .