
  • 网络octylamine;n-Octylamine;TOA
  1. 三正辛胺-二甲苯液膜迁移Cd(Ⅱ)的研究

    Studies on Transport of Cadmium (ⅱ) Ions Through a Tri-n-octylamine xylene Liquid Membrane

  2. 本文研究HPLC双胍辛胺-安息香柱前反应检测分析方法。

    A new method of HPLC pre-column reaction detection for guazatine analysis was developed .

  3. 同时测定重油中铁和锌的正三辛胺萃取-双波长K系数分光光度法

    Simultaneous Determination of Iron and Zinc in Heavy Oil by Double Wavelength K _ Coefficient Spectrophotometry with Trioctylamine Extraction

  4. 确认了n-三辛胺浮选属于一级动力学过程,探讨了浮选机理。

    The flotation mechanism , proving the fact that the flotation belongs to the kinetic process of the first order , is discussed .

  5. 三辛胺从硫酸体系中萃取Cr2O7~(2-)的界面反应动力学研究

    Interfacial reactive kinetics of extraction of Cr_2O_7 ~ ( 2 - ) from sulphuric acid medium with TOA

  6. 制备了用于脂肪醇的胺化催化剂,用于N,N-二甲基正丙胺、吗啉、丙胺和正辛胺的合成。

    In this paper , the catalysts for amination were prepared to synthesize the N , N-dimethylpropylamine , the morpholine , the propylamine and then-octylamine .

  7. 正辛胺模板法制备SiO2空心微球及其结构表征

    Preparation and characterization of hollow silica microspheres by octylamine templating

  8. TOA·HA第三相研究三辛胺萃取草酸的机理

    Study on TOA · ha third phase extraction mechanism of oxalic acid by toa

  9. 三辛胺萃取酸性黄GR的平衡特性研究

    Extraction equilibria behavior of acid yellow RB by trioctylamine

  10. 正三辛胺萃取-5-Br-PADAP-OP显色体系光度法测定铜

    Determination of Copper with 5-Br-PADAP-OP Coloured System by Trioctylamine Extraction-Spectrophotometry

  11. 三辛胺萃取有机羧酸的机理(Ⅱ)&有机羧酸的pKa值和亲油性的影响

    Mechanism of extraction for carboxylic acid with tri-n-octylamine (ⅱ)── effects of pk_a and hydrophobicity

  12. 用BEHDTPA[二(2-乙基己基)二硫代磷酸]-TOA(三辛胺)庚烷溶剂萃取硫酸盐溶液中的镉时,pH的减小既可引起萃取率降低又可引起萃取率升高。

    In extracting cadmium from aqueous solution of sulfate with bis ( 2-ethylhexyl ) dithiophosphoric acid-trioctylamine in heptane , a reduction in pH could cause the decrease of extraction rate , then its increase .

  13. 在十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)与硝酸形成的胶束体系中,分别加入正戊醇与正辛胺作助表面活性剂,合成出介孔二氧化硅。

    Mesoporous silica was synthesized and templated by mixed micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide ( CTAB ), n pentanol or n octylamine and nitric acid .

  14. 以正辛胺为模板、以盐酸为催化剂,快速制备得到了具有较好形貌的SiO2及Si/Al复合空心微球。

    By using OA as template and hydrochloric acid as catalyst , silica and Si / Al composite oxide hollow microspheres with a good quality were fabricated rapidly .

  15. 三正辛胺(TOA)分离贵金属的系统研究Ⅰ.反相萃取色层法分离七个贵金属

    Systematic Study on Separation of Noble Metals With Trioctyl Amine ( TOA )ⅰ . Separation of Seven Noble Metals by Column Extraction Chromatography

  16. 以三辛胺(TOA)萃取草酸时出现第3相的基本规律为研究对象,实验测定了无水溶剂及液液萃取平衡有机相中草酸的溶解度及其随TOA和正辛醇浓度的变化规律。

    The third-phase behavior in extraction oxalic acid by trioctylamine ( TOA ) was investigated through measuring the solubility of oxalic acid in organic solvent .

  17. 将芯材为TOA(三正辛胺)的微胶囊填充于玻璃柱中,作为离子的富集装置。

    The microcapsule containing TOA ( Trioctyl Amine ) was stuffed into a column , which can act as an extractor for enrichment of Pd (ⅱ) .

  18. 选择草酸稀溶液为萃取对象,采用三辛胺(TOA)为络合剂,正辛醇为稀释剂,开展了TOA萃取草酸的机理研究。

    In this paper , water-oxalic acid-TOA ( octanol ) is used as the experimental system , and TOA , octanal as complexing agent , diluent respectively .

  19. 研制了三正辛胺(TOA)纤维棉,考察了TOA纤维棉对Au(Ⅲ)的吸附性能,选择了吸附和解吸的最佳条件。

    In this work , trioctylamine cotton cellulose was prepared and its absorptive characteristics for gold (ⅲ) and the optimum condition for adsorption and desorption of gold (ⅲ) were studied .

  20. 研究了三正辛胺-二甲苯支撑液膜体系中搅拌速率、反萃剂、三正辛胺浓度、料液中H+浓度等因素对Cd()离子迁移的影响。

    The effects of stirring rate , stripping agent , tri n octylamine concentration , initial concentrations of H + ions in the feed phase on transport flux of Cd (ⅱ) ions across a tri n octylamine xylene supported liquid membrane were studied .

  21. 用三辛胺萃取醋酸废水中的醋酸,加入白云石灰乳反萃,可制得环保型除冰剂醋酸钙镁盐(CMA)。

    Calcium magnesium acetate ( CMA ) can be prepared by extraction of acetic acid from dilute acetic acid wastewater using trioctylamine and then by back extraction using dolomite lime .

  22. 草酸、柠檬酸可以分别和三辛胺(TOA)生成稳定的缔合物,化学分析和红外光谱表明其缔合比为1:1。

    Both oxalic acid and citric acid can create stable complexes with trioctylamine ( TOA ) . The complex ratios were confirmed to be 1:1 by chemical analyse and FT-IR spectra .

  23. 以正三辛胺萃取分离干扰离子,采用2-(5-溴-2-吡啶偶氮)-5-二乙氨基酚(5-Br-PADAP)-OP显色体系测定了聚烯径、氧化铝载体及重整催化剂中微量铜。

    By using of trioctylamine to extract and seperate from interference ions , the Cu2 + - 5-Br-PADAP-OP color system was applied to determine micro copper in polyolefine , Al2O3 carrier and reforming catalyst .

  24. 正三辛胺萃取-分光光度法测定重油中的微量铜

    Determination of Micro Copper in Heavy Oil by Trioctylamine Extraction Spectrophotometry

  25. 试验结果表明,三辛胺是一种良好的工业脱酚萃取剂。

    It is confirmed that trioctylamine is a good phenol remover .

  26. 稀释剂对三辛胺萃取羧酸的影响

    Influence of Diluents on the Extraction of Carboxylic Acids with Trioctylamine

  27. 以三正辛胺为载体的微乳液分离钼(Ⅵ)的研究

    Separation Study of Molybdenum through Microemulsion with Trioctylamine Mobile Carrier

  28. 用三异辛胺萃取法联合测定废水中的铀和钚

    Determination of uranium and plutonium in waste water by extraction with tioa

  29. 水溶性有机溶剂对三辛胺萃取铀(Ⅵ)的影响

    The effect of organic water-miscible solvents on the extraction of uranium by toa

  30. 三正辛胺与丙酸的萃取机理

    Association Mechanism for Extraction of Propionic Acid by Trioctylamine