
  • 网络simpson rule
  1. 辛普森公式的统一美

    Briefly discuss the whole beauty of the Simpson formula

  2. 本文用梯形公式和辛普森公式给出了实际应用中可靠度计算的数值积分法,并与解析法做了比较。

    A method of reliable calculation in the numerical value of integral is shown up in this article by using trapezoid formula and simpson formula in practical usage .

  3. 分别采用复印称重法、直尺法、辛普森公式法、数字图像处理法测定了食用仙人掌掌片面积并对几种方法进行了比较。

    Four methods , namely copy-weighing method , ruler method , Sinpusen formula method and digital image processing method , are adopted to measure the edible cactus leaf area and compared as well .

  4. 指出了常负压力波波速定位方法的局限性,并采用改进的负压力波定位技术,将管道内的负压力波速公式采用复化辛普森公式进行了改造。

    The paper points out the defects of the const pressure wave velocity method and do some improvements on it rebuilding the expressions of the pressure wave velocity in accordance with the Simpson 's rule .