
nüè dài kuánɡ
  • Sadism;tyrannism
  1. 他有虐待狂的倾向。

    There was a sadistic streak in him .

  2. 这位68岁的女演员将扮演虐待狂亚历山大·斯卡斯加德的母亲。

    The 68-year-old actress will play the mother to Alexander Skarsgard 's abusive Perry .

  3. 这个跟踪者有虐待狂倾向

    We have a sadistic stalker who inflicts

  4. 钉东西是压抑的强烈暴力宣泄可能是虐待狂型的跟踪者,在施加痛苦中获得权力和控制的快感

    Impalement is a forceful and violent release of repression . Maybe a sadistic stalker , deriving power and control by inflicting pain .

  5. 不幸的是,这样一来她就失去了对孩子的所有权利,而最终孩子永远落入了她的虐待狂前男友手中。

    Unfortunately , this caused her to lose all rights to her baby and the child ended up permanently with her abusive former boyfriend .

  6. 甚至当他的敌人,虐待狂科学家阿贾克斯把他绑在手术台上时,他还在喋喋不休。

    Even when his enemy , the sadistic scientist Ajax , ties him up on the operating table , Wilson still can 't stop muttering .

  7. 这个家是一个充满记忆的地方,他妈的爸爸是个虐待狂,他妈的妈妈是个老不死,几十年了,不缺的是伤痛、内疚和背弃。

    Their home together is suffused by memories of her abusive father , her apparently senile mother and decades of accumulated hurt , guilt and denial .

  8. 在第21次入围奥斯卡提名后,梅丽尔·斯特里普确认加盟《大小谎言》第二季并饰演虐待狂亚历山大·斯卡斯加德的母亲。

    Meryl Streep has been cast in season two of Big Little Lies as the mother to Alexander Skarsgard 's abusive Perry ... after getting 21st Oscar nod

  9. 孩子们会被精神病人吓疯的,我扮虐待狂护士,你就扮疯医生。

    The kids are gonna be deranged mental patients , and ... and I am going to be a sadistic nurse , and you are a demented doctor .

  10. 迪士尼的电影《狮子王》与《森林王子》被认为是“同性恋游行”,会导致孩子犯罪并成为堕落的人;而《怪物史瑞克》被认为鼓吹虐待狂并低估家庭的价值。

    Disney films such as The Lion King and Jungle Book are " gay parades " and turn children into criminals and perverts , while Shrek promotes sadism , and undermines family values .

  11. 如果我写下“虐待狂”,那是因为它确实存在,无非杜撰,如果作品里出现一些可怕的行为,那是现实生活中真实发生的。

    If I write of " sadism " it is because it exists , I didn 't invent it , and if some terrible act occurs in my work it is because such things happen in our lives .

  12. 除了作为隔离区,1922年,岛上建了一座精神病院。有谣言称,管理医院的医生是个疯子虐待狂,但是没有找到他的记录。

    Besides just being a quarantine zone , in 1922 , the island became a mental institution and according to the rumors , the doctor who ran it was a sadistic madman , but no record of him could be found .

  13. 在这部电影中,观众偶尔可能会感受到这一点,有时是通过俯拍镜头和天使般的歌唱声,不过主要是通过路易与虐待狂日本军官渡边(石原贵雅饰)之间变态的亲密感,它让人们看到战争有可能变得多么个人化。

    You can find that movie here , at times , tucked amid the crane shots and angelic singing , though mostly in the perverse intimacy that emerges between Louie and the sadistic officer , Watanabe ( Miyavi ) , and shows just how personal war can really be .