
lín xìnɡ
  • personal visit by the emperor
  • (of king) visit (a place)
临幸 [lín xìng]
  • [(of king) visit (a place)] 指帝王亲自到达某处

  1. 虽然王位第二继承人威廉王子临幸了汇丰银行(hsbc)的办公室,但尤安布莱尔将在finsbury公关公司短期工作,这倒适合新工党的后人。

    But while the second in line to the throne graced the offices of HSBC , Mr Blair , as befits a scion of new labour , will take a short spin with the public relations firm Finsbury .

  2. 国王今晚将要临幸她。

    The king has asked for her tonight .

  3. 某日宙斯临幸了慧聪女神墨提斯,事后他才忆起盖亚和乌拉诺斯的预言——墨提斯将生下比自己更强的孩子。

    One day Zeus had a liaison with one Metis , goddess of craftiness . Too late , he remembered a prophecy that predicted Metis 's children would be more powerful than their father .