
  • 网络extrapyramidal system;extrapyramidal;EPS;extra-pyramidal tracts
  1. 酒精对锥体外系MDA、SOD的影响

    Effect of ethanol exposure on SOD and MDA in extrapyramidal system

  2. 酒精对小鼠锥体外系的影响

    Effect of ethanol exposure on extrapyramidal system of mouse

  3. 脑立体定向术CT定位在治疗锥体外系疾病中应用

    CT guided for treatment of extrapyramidal disorder in stereotactic neurosurgery

  4. 利培酮组锥体外系不良反应和内分泌改变的发生均明显高于阿立呱唑组(P均<0.05)。

    The incidences of extra-pyramidal symptoms and endocrine change in Risperidone group were obviously higher than those in Aripiprazole group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 最常见的不良反应是锥体外系反应(EPS)。

    The most frequent adverse reaction was extrapyramidal syndrome ( EPS ) .

  6. 目的研究亚临床期肝性脑病(SHE)患者的MRI特征、基底节区的脑血流灌注模式及锥体外系损伤的表现。

    Objective To investigate MRI characteristics , brain perfusion pattern in basal ganglion and extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy ( SHE ) .

  7. 结论PMD表现为发作性锥体外系症状,多由突然运动诱发。

    Conclusions Paroxysmal dyskinesias are usually induced by sudden movement and present paroxysmal extrapyramidal symptoms .

  8. 前言:目的:探讨硫酸亚铁预防氯丙嗪所致锥体外系(EPS)不良反应的疗效和安全性。

    Objective : To explore the efficacy and security of ferrous sulfate in the prevention of EPS induced by chlorpromazine .

  9. CPZ、HP组病例PRL(血清泌乳素)水平明显升高,大多数病人均发生EPS(锥体外系症状)。

    The PRL level was obviously increased in CPZ and HP groups , most of the patients developed EPS .

  10. 帕金森病(Parkinson'sdiseasePD)是一种以锥体外系黑质多巴胺能神经元进行性损害为主要病理表现的中枢神经系统退变性疾病。

    Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) is a neurodegenerative disorder in the central nerve system which characterized by progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta ( SNpc ) .

  11. 方法:对入选病例作副反应量表(TESS)、锥体外系副反应量表(RSESE)、不自主运动量表(AIMS)评定。

    Method : The patients were chosen to be assessed with TESS , RSESE and AIMS .

  12. 目的:了解利培酮治疗老年期精神障碍患者的用药特点、疗效及锥体外系反应(EPS)。

    Objective : To know the application character , efficacy and extrapyramidal side effect ( EPS ) of risperidone in the treatment of late-life psychosis .

  13. 目前经研究证明与铜蓝蛋白有关的疾病有老年痴呆、糖尿病、视网膜变性、锥体外系症状、Wilson症、心血管疾病、神经退化、动脉粥样硬化等疾病。

    Recent studies revealed CP involved in many diseases , such as Wilson 's disease , neurodegenerative diseases , diabetes , cardiovascular diseases and so on .

  14. 氯丙嗪较易引起锥体外系反应(EPS),及胆碱能系统不良反应。

    There were more adverse effects in chlorpromazine group than in quetiapine group , especially in extrapyramidal side effect ( EPS ) and in choline system .

  15. 采用修改的Simpson锥体外系副作用量表评定疗效,以苯海索为对照药。

    The clinical efficacy were assessed by modified Simpson 's extrapyramidal side effect rating scale . Trihexyphenidyl was taken as the control .

  16. 抗精神病药物导致的迟发性锥体外系综合征(TES)由迟发性运动障碍(TD)发展而来。

    Neuroleptic - associated tardive extrapyramidal syndrome ( TES ) has been developed in the base of the tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .

  17. 属于锥体外系损伤类或以上两者混合类痉挛性脑性瘫痪,采用SPR的方法效果都不好,甚至严重。

    Belong to an awl body to fasten harm outside or above both the mixture spasm brain paralyze , adopting SPR method result not all good , even serious .

  18. 本文对锥体外系疾病中帕金森病(PD)、Wilson病(WD)、肌张力障碍、亨廷顿舞蹈病(HD)的诊疗进展作一简要介绍。

    The progress in the diagnosis and treatment of several extrapyramidal diseases , including Parkinson disease ( PD ), Wilson disease ( WD ), dystonia and Huntington disease ( HD ) was reviewed .

  19. BD临床特征:进行性加重的智能衰退,定向力障碍及人格改变,假性延髓麻痹征,锥体系及锥体外系损害的表现。

    The clinical features of BD was gradual decline of brainpower , orientation obstacle , characteristic changes , pseudobulbar palsy , manifestation of pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor system damages .

  20. 探索住院情感障碍病人锥体外系症状(EPS)的发生率,并研究这些症状与药物和其它因素的关系。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of extrapyramidal symptoms ( EPS ) and tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) in affective disordered patients and to study the association of these symptoms with medication and other factors .

  21. 慢性锰中毒产生的功能性损伤与自发性PD锥体外系的表征和症状紧密相关,其主要病理进程是选择性的黑质纹状体多巴胺能细胞的退行性变性,导致纹状体多巴胺的耗竭。

    Dysfunction underlying chronical overexposure to manganese is closed related to the extrapyramidal signs and symptoms of idiopathic parkinson 's disease ( PD ) . The pathological process of PD is selective degeneration of dopaminergic cell in substantia striatal system , which leads to dopamine deficiency .

  22. 方法:利用氟哌啶醇所致小鼠锥体外系不良反应模型,观察其衍生物(F3)的作用;

    Method : By using the model of adverse reaction of extrapyramidal system induced by haloperidol ip on mice , to observe the behavior effect of its derivation ( F 3 ) on same dose and administration .

  23. 目的和方法:用腹腔注射氟哌啶醇(25mg/kg)复制小鼠锥体外系行为不良反应,经相同途径与剂量注入氟哌啶醇季铵盐衍生物(F3),观察其行为变化。

    Abstract AIM and METHODS : Using the model of adverse reaction of extrapyramidal system induced by haloperidol ( 25mg · kg - 1 ) upon mice , to observe the behavior of its derivative ( F 3 ) with same dose and administration ;

  24. 结果68例中50例痉挛性斜颈和舌肌运动障碍者经治疗后20min~24h内锥体外系症状全部消失,18例于40h后好转,3d后症状全部消失。

    Results Among the 68 patients , the extrapyramidal symptoms of 50 patients with spasmodic torticollis and dyskinesia of tongue muscle disappeared in 20 min or 24h . The rest of them were getting better after 40 hours and cured in 3 days .

  25. 使用常规剂量的抗菌药物1~6d出现神经精神症状,包括锥体外系症状、逐渐进展的定向力和意识障碍甚至昏迷,或者出现淡漠、易激惹、幻觉、性格改变等。

    After receiving intravenous injection daily for 1-6 days , patients presented with progressive neuropsychiatric symptoms , including extra-pyramidal system symptoms , disorientation , depressed consciousness , even coma , or apathy , agitation , hallucination , and personality changes .

  26. 结果两组患者均未发现呼吸抑制、锥体外系反应等严重并发症,PCIA组镇痛及时完善持久,总体满意率比对照组明显增高,两组肠蠕动恢复时间没有明显差异。

    Results In PCIA group analgesia was timely , perfect and persistent , its satisfactory rate was significantly higher than that in controlled group ( P < 0.005 ), there was no remarkable difference in the recovery time of bowel motility between the two groups .

  27. 利培酮不良反应主要为锥体外系反应,2mg组发生率为30%,4mg组为40%,6mg组为82.35%。对心脏、肝肾功能、血液系统几乎无作用,也无镇静作用。

    The ADRs rates , mainly EPS , were 30 % , 40 % and 82.35 % respectively for 2 mg , 4 mg and 6 mg groups and no obvious ADRs in heart , liver , kidney , and blood system were observed and there was no sedative effect .

  28. α-共核蛋白异常不能预测锥体外系症状或痴呆

    α - synuclein pathology does not predict extrapyramidal symptoms or dementia

  29. 胃复安引起锥体外系综合症68例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 68 Cases with Extrapyramidal Syndrome Caused By Metoclopramide

  30. 较多见的不良反应为锥体外系症状和失眠。

    The common adverse reactions were extrapyramidal symptoms and insomnia .