
  • 网络Inner part;GPi;Vpdm;MGBm;MPFC
  1. 目的探讨苍白球腹后内侧部毁损术(PVP)治疗帕金森病(PD)的长期疗效。

    Objective To explore the long-term curative effect of the posteroventral pallidotomy ( PVP ) for the Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) .

  2. 结论小鼠腰髓背角Ⅱ层内侧部GABA阳性神经元直接接受兴奋性传入。

    Conclusion The GABA-positive neurons in the inner lamina ⅱ of the lumbar spinal cord may directly receive excitatory afferents .

  3. 给丘脑VL核注射HRP后,同侧的苍白球内侧部,可发现标记神经元,证明苍白球&丘脑通路存在。

    In the medial part of the ipsilateral pallidus , labeled neurons could be found after the injection of HRP into VL .

  4. 结果:①眼轮匝肌眶下部的中部、内侧部及外侧部宽分别为(2.5±0.3)cm、(0.8±0.2)cm和(2.6±0.5)cm。

    Results : ① The width in middle part , medial part and lateral part of the infraorbital orbicularis oculi muscle was 2.5 ± 0.3 cm , 0.8 ± 0.2 cm and 2.6 ± 0.5 cm respectively .

  5. 目的探讨雌激素在延髓头端腹内侧部(RVM)对内脏痛的潜在调节作用。

    Objective To examine the potential roles of estrogen in rostral ventromedial medulla ( RVM ) on visceral nociception .

  6. 无论X线或MRI均可见病膝胫股关节的内侧部OA发生率较外侧部严重,可能与胫骨上端内翻、致承重线内移有关。

    Both X-ray and MRI examinations revealed signs of greater severity in thd medial compartment of the tibiofemoral joint than in the lateral one , which was probably attributed to the proximal tibial inversion and / or the medial shift of the supporting line of gravity .

  7. 第13d时,17区内侧部又不见胼胝体轴突,表明早期此区的胼胝体轴突为暂时性的;

    By PD 13 , few callosal axons were found in medial area 17 , indicating the existence of transitory callosal axons in area 17 at younger ages .

  8. 结果:针灸后第1天,HRP阳性神经元出现于双侧第1-4颈神经节及其对应的颈髓前角、面神经核内侧部和副面神经核。

    Sections were incubated for HRP histochemistry . Results : In acupuncture group , many lablled cell bodies were found in 1-4 cervial spinal ganglia , anterior horn of 1-4 cervical spinal cord and medulla oblongata , medial part of facial nu clues , accessory facial nucleus bilaterally .

  9. 额叶底内侧部与言语语法功能的关系

    The Relationship between the Medial Part of Frontal Lobular Bottom and the Function of Grammar

  10. 帕金森病外科治疗中苍白球内侧部神经元电生理记录的有效针道方法

    The efficient needle-pathway method for physiological recording of the pallidal medial neuron in Parkinsonian surgical treatment

  11. 内侧部投射到同侧的丘脑前内侧核及前腹核。

    The mamillo-thalamic projections arised from either the medial mammillary nucleus or the lateral mammillary nucleus .

  12. 针刺苍白球内侧部对帕金森病模型大鼠脑内抗氧化酶的调节

    Adjustment of anti-oxidase by puncturing medial part of globus pallidus of model rats with Parkinson disease

  13. 但是单侧下丘脑中间内侧部横切则可阻断这种同步化爆发放电。

    However , the synchronized bursts disappeared after unilateral transection through the middle of the medial hypothalamus .

  14. 苍白球内侧部神经细胞电活动及其解剖特征的临床应用研究

    A clinical study of the electric activities and the anatomic characteristics on the neural cess with globus pallidus internus

  15. 结果:肌的起端,神经主干上发出若干细小分支,尤以内侧部为多;

    Results : In origin of muscle , the nerve main trunk sent out numerous small branches , especially in medial part .

  16. 最后,胸锁乳突肌向上牵拉锁骨内侧部的骨折部分,导致骨膜破裂。

    Finally , the sternocleidomastoid muscle pulled upward on the medial part of the fractured clavicle , leading to the rupture of the periosteum .

  17. 目的研究苍白球内侧部运动觉细胞空间位置排列及其在苍白球毁损术中的意义。

    Objective To study the topographic localization of kinesthetic cells in the interior segment of globus pallidus ( GPi ) and its significance for pallidotomy .

  18. 溃变纤维见于对侧脊髓后索的腹侧部和同侧脊髓前索的内侧部。

    Degenerating fibers were found in the ventral part of the contralateral dorsal funiculus and the medial part of the ipsilateral ven - tral funiculus .

  19. 结论:膝胫股关节的骨关节炎主要发生在内侧部,可能与胫骨上端的内翻有关。

    Conclusion : the OA of tibiofemoral joint mainly occurred in the medial compartment , and this was probably related with the proximal tibial inversion .

  20. 在异网的背内侧部这些吻合支又聚集形成颈内动脉颅内段和后交通动脉自海绵窦传出并互相连接形成大脑动脉环。

    By union of these rete branches , the efferent vessels , the internal carotid artery intracranial segment and the caudal communicating artery arose from the carotid rete and divided to form the cerebral arterial circle .

  21. 新近的研究表明,担负异相睡眠发生的神经结构包括桥脑被盖内侧部,延髓腹内侧部和中脑尾侧部。

    Recent studies indicate that the neural structures responsible for the generation of paradoxical sleep included the mediodorsal part of the pontine teg-mentum , the ventromedial part of the medulla oblongata , and the caudal part of the midbrain .

  22. 斜角带核垂直支腹侧部有大量纤维经髓纹终于外侧缰核内侧部,仅少量纤维终止在内侧缰核;目的:探讨人脑纹状体内侧损伤与学习、记忆下降的关系。

    The ventral part of VDB projects to habenula ( mainly the lateral habenular nucleus ) . AIM : To investigate the relationship between the injury in the marginal division of neostriatum and the descent of learning and memory .

  23. 水牛副嗅球是嗅球内表面不明显的长条状隆起,长约12毫米,宽约4毫米,与额叶眶回内侧部相邻。

    The accessory olfactory bulb is an inconspicuous elongated tubercle , lying on the medial surface of the olfactory bulb . The size of the tubercle is about 12 × 4 mm , adjacent to the medial part of protean gyrus in frontal lobe .

  24. 终止于对侧的有二叠体旁核、桥脑和延髓网状结构内侧部、下橄榄核的内侧副核、脊髓颈段前角。

    The fibers terminated also to contralateral nuclei such as the parabigeminal nucleus , the medial part of the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata and ports , the medial accessory nucleus of the inferior olive , the anterior horn of the cervical spinal cord .

  25. 跖肌是一羽肌,肌重3.94g,肌梭密度为16.94个/g,内侧部近端最高(47.71个/g),外侧部以中部密度最高(19.77个/g);

    M. plantaris was a pinnate muscle , muscle weight 3 . 94g , muscle spindle density 16 . 94 / gram , the proximal end of medial part and distal end of lateral part were 47 . 71 / gram and 19 . 77 / gram respectively .

  26. 臂丛神经下干、内侧束部损伤133例的远期随访结果

    Clinical outcome of brachial plexus lower trunk and medial cord injuries : long-term follow-up of 133 cases

  27. 云芝糖肽对大鼠下丘脑内侧基底部电活动和脾淋巴细胞免疫功能的调节

    Effects of Polysaccharide-peptide on the Electrical Activity of Mediobasal Hypothalamic Neurons andon the Immune fumction of Splenic Lymphocytes in Rats

  28. 方法53只未发育成熟兔左肱骨下端内侧骨骺部形成不完全骨折。

    METHOD : The osteoepiphyses in the lower and inner side of the left humerus of53 immature rabbits were incompletely fractured .

  29. 但是,在一例6岁男孩的内侧亚部中,发现其快缩纤维的比例显著增高,达63.25%。

    A special case is found in a boy of 6-year old . whose medial compartment appears a remarkably high proportion of fast twitch fibers , up to a level of 63.25 % , it is considered to be determined congenitally .

  30. 结论:上述结果显示股神经投射区占SG内侧带外测部和中间带内侧部。

    Conclusion The results show that the projection area of femoral nerve to SG was in the outside of the inside zone and the inside of the medial zone .