
nèi fēnɡ
  • endogenous wind
  1. 内风辨证分型与颅脑CT扫描分析相关性研究

    Study on Correlation between Different Types of Endogenous Wind Syndrome and Analyse of CT

  2. 痰浊与内风关系探讨

    Relationship between Phlegm and Endogenous Wind

  3. 通过对渤海海域内风场资料的分析,选取SW向的风,利用SWAN模式计算渤海海域的风浪场。

    SW wind is selected through analysis of Bohai Sea wind data . SWAN model is used to calculate wind-wave in Bohai Sea .

  4. 本文研究了由于非线性平流作用所引起的对于Ekman层内风场及顶部垂直速度的影响。

    The effects of non-linear advection on the wind structure and vertical motion in Ekman layer are studied .

  5. 本文采用CFD对建筑室外绕流场进行数值模拟,具体的研究内容如下:(1)系统阐述了大气边界层内风特性,同时介绍了建筑小区风环境基本理论。

    The specific research contents are as follows : ( 1 ) It introduced the wind characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer , and also interpreted the basic theory of building wind environment .

  6. 海洋边界层内风、浪相互作用研究进展

    The progress of research on the air - sea interaction in wBL

  7. 窑内风、煤、料的合理匹配

    Rational Match of Air , Coal and Material in Kiln

  8. 大气边界层内风的若干特性及其应用

    Wind characteristics in the planetary boundary layer and Applications

  9. 掘进工作面风筒内风温计算方法的研究

    Methods for Calculation of Air Temperatures Along Ventilation Ducts in the Driving Face

  10. 风邪(包括外风和内风)在慢性肾小球肾炎发生发展过程中都起到重要作用。

    Wind-pathogen ( including external-wind and internal-wind ) plays an important part in chronic nephritis .

  11. 结论:内风病证的发生发展是一个长期的过程,是内伤积损的结果。

    Conclusions : The process of occurrence and development of endogenous wind diseases and syndromes is long .

  12. 在不同时间间隔内风的持续性对空间飞行器的发射量是很重要的。

    The persistence of wind over varying intervals of time is important in the launch of space vehicles .

  13. 内风是中医学重要的病理概念,与中风病的发病关系密切。

    The endogenous wind is and important pathological concept in TCM and is closely related to the onset of stroke .

  14. 病叶超薄切片,在电子显微镜下观察到线状病毒粒子及感病细胞内风轮状和卷筒状内含体。鉴定结果表明,海南岛西瓜花叶病的病原属于西瓜花叶病毒2株系(WMV&2)。

    It is thus concluded that the pathogen of watermelon mosaic disease found on Hainan Island is Watermelon mosaic virus 2 .

  15. 大跨空间结构的风速模拟需要考虑风的时间和空间相关特性以及局部区域内风载的非高斯特性。

    In the wind simulation of long-span spatial structure , both time and spatial correlation and local non-Gaussian characters should be considered .

  16. 城镇化发展与耕地保护关系研究农田林网内风倒棉株空间格局的研究

    Urbanization and protection of farmland a study on the spacial patterns of cotton lodging under the protection of farmland windbreak network against tropical storm

  17. 文章针对内风概念应用上的混淆,对内风的含义和变化特点进行了阐述和分析。

    Directing against the obscurity on applying the concept of endogenous wind , this article expounded and analyzed the meaning and characteristics of endogenous wind .

  18. 对大气边界层内风的一些特性以及大气边界层模拟中的相似准则进行了阐述,对模拟的设备和方法进行了说明。

    Some wind characteristics in the atmosphere boundary layer and the alike standard are elaborated . The equipments and methods of the imitating are analyzed .

  19. 利用这些图就可方便地得到吸气管道内风机辐射声功率级和声压级的关系。

    Then using these figures the relationship between sound power level and sound pressure level radiated by a fan in a suck pipe is obtained easily .

  20. 尤其对张山雷“内风”观点的确立、“血冲脑经”病机的论述和中风八法进行了阐述,以期通过本文使这部著作被更多的中医脑病工作者所认识和应用。

    In particular , it interprets his endogenous wind , the key pathogenesis of the blood impact up to the brain and the-eight-method for treating stroke .

  21. 第四部分与第五部分分析湖北省风险投资业的具体情况并为省内风投机构的发展模式提出建议。

    The fourth part and the fifth part analyze the specific condition of venture capital industry in hubei province and make development pattern suggestions to provincial venture capital institutions .

  22. 第三天我在与狂风雪天气拼搏,在接下来的一周内风强大,我发现自己花了一整天在帐蓬里。

    On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myimmolation spending a whole day in my tent .

  23. 本文立论于此,旨在完善、充实目前中医理论领域对内风病机理论的认识不足,为临床治疗相关的内风病证提供理论依据。

    We intend to consummate and substantiate the present theories of internal wind pathogenesis in the TCM field , and to provide theoretical basis for the clinic treatment of internal wind .

  24. 同时,采用无刷直流电机作为压缩机和内风机,使能效比有较大提高,使用寿命大大延长。

    It has more improvements in the ration of energy and efficiency , and can prolong the using life greatly that adopting brushless DC motor as compressor and inner blower fan .

  25. 本文介绍了边界层内风的特性及其在风载与大气扩散中的应用。三、发展的特点;论文首先对语音编码的各种方案进行了比较,并对G。

    In this paper an introduction has been made to some of wind characteristics in the planetary boundary layer which can be applied to diffusion of air pollutants and loading upon buildings .

  26. 活血化瘀法是临床治疗内风病证的有效方法,提示瘀血与内风密切相关。

    The methods of promoting blood stasis were thought as effective way of treating endogenous wind diseases and syndromes . Blood stasis was demonstrated as having close relationship with endogenous wind diseases and syndromes .

  27. 方法:系统查阅与内风病证相关的古今文献,收集临床及实验研究的相关资料,论证内风病证的发病学基础以及瘀血导致内风病证发生的机理,探索其内在规律。

    Methods : Ancient and modern data were consulted systematically , some relative clinical and experimental data were collected , the pathogenesis of blood stasis leading endogenous wind and its internal law was demonstrated .

  28. 随着世界范围内风电事业的飞速发展,风电机组总装机容量逐年攀升,单台风电机组的发电功率越来越大。

    Along with the rapid development of wind power industry in the world , power generation of single wind turbine and total installed capacity of wind turbines in the world has increased steadily year by year .

  29. 下层设备运行对上层设备造成的影响有:增加入口空气的上升速度和温度,前者导致上层设备内风机的效率降低,后者影响空调器的散热。

    The operation of the lower outside unit increases the upper one 's air raising velocity and intake air temperature . The former reduces efficiency of the fan and the latter influences heat release of the air conditioner .

  30. 故笔者认为内风暗旋、肝风内动是恶性肿瘤机体所固有的一种病理特点,同时也是恶性肿瘤转移的基本条件。

    Therefore the author think " the internal wind darkly circles , the wind in the liver moves " is the inherent pathology characteristic of the malignant tumor organism , at the same time also is the basic condition of the malignant tumor metastasis .