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qīnɡ rè jiě shǔ
  • 熟语clear away summer heat
  1. 暑气至此而止。暑热犹存,天气逐渐转凉。调整睡眠时间,饮食宜清热解暑之品。

    Temprature drops slightly but summar heats remains , adjust sleeping time , heat-clearing food is suitable .

  2. 还能清热解暑,健脾开味,降低血压等功效,是馈赠亲友之佳品。

    Also can clear away heat good spleen and open flavour , lower blood pressure , such as effectiveness , relatives and friends is nice .

  3. 针对夏季热应激影响畜禽生产性能和生理机能等因素,本试验选取以清热解暑类具有代表性的清瘟败毒中药渣和藿香正气中药渣为研究对象,开展其饲用和药用价值的初步探讨。

    According to the influence of heat stress on the production performance , physiological functions and other factors , this experiment chooses herb residues of Qingwen Baidu and Huoxiang Zhengqi as researching project , which are representative for the effect of heat-clearing and detoxicating .

  4. 绿豆,是一种可药食兼用的农作物,具有清热、解暑、解毒等功效,在保健品、化妆品、部分的功能性食品加工等方面有着广泛的用途。

    Mung bean is a medicinal food and medicine of grain . It has effectiveness of clear heat cultivated and detoxification . The skin of mung bean is widely used for the process of cosmetic and health care food .