
  • 网络Xishan Park;west hill park;West Mountain Park
  1. 除了网上聊天,吴天宇还偶尔约罗兰到她家附近的西山公园走走,虽然只是用手语交谈,罗兰却丝毫不觉得沟通有障碍。

    Besides talking online , Wu Tianyu sometimes asks Luo Lan out for a walk at the West Mountain Park nearby where he lives . They talk only in sign language , but Luo Lan does not think it difficult .

  2. 昨天他和他的父母亲一起去了西山公园。

    He went to Xishan Park with his parents yesterday .

  3. 昆明西山森林公园东坡蚂蚁物种多样性研究

    Ant Species Diversity on East Slope of Xishan Forest Park in Kunming

  4. 北京西山国家森林公园景观格局的初步研究

    A Study on the Landscape Pattern of Xishan National Forest Park , Beijing