
  1. 西安城市街道家具与传统元素结合的设计探索

    Exploration of Xi'an City Street Furniture Design with Combination of Traditional Element

  2. 西安市街道灰尘中铬、镉、铅赋存状态及环境效应

    Occurrence State of The Trace Elements of The Dust in The Street of Xian

  3. 西安城区街道的演变

    The Evolvement of Urban Streets in Xi'an

  4. 运用问卷调查等方法对西安市街道社区体育组织进行研究,结果表明:西安市社区体育组织形式多样,管理干部性别和年龄结构相对合理,开展体育活动内容丰富。

    The organization of community sports in Xi'an district was researched through mainly questionnaire investigation , the results show that : there are kinds of the organizations of community sports in Xi'an , there is comparatively reasonable on the gender and age of managers , community sports events are abundant .

  5. 西安东大街街道表皮研究

    Research of the Street Surface of Dong Da Jie Street

  6. 通过对街区中茂密行道树对空气污染物扩散的利弊进行理论分析的基础上,以CO为自然示踪气体,对西安市几个典型街道中的气态污染物浓度分布做了实测。

    The advantages and disadvantages of shade trees for pollutants absorption are analyzed theoretically , and the concentration distribution of gaseous pollutant is monitored and analyzed in Xi'an city by using CO as a natural environmental tracer .

  7. 基于文化体验的街道空间规划设计研究&以西安市咸宁路街道整治规划为例

    The Research of Street Space Design Based on Culture Experience

  8. 薛龙龙(音译)站在他位于西安的家门口街道上。

    Xue Longlong , on the street where he lives in Xian , China .

  9. 第三部分为结论,在西安唐皇城复兴计划的规划背景下,对西安城市街道设施进行展望。

    The last part is conclusion , which prospects the xi'an city street facility under the background of xi'an tang royal city reviving plan .