
lì jiānɡ rén
  • Lijiang/Lichiang Man
  1. 丽江市人地关系类型划分

    Division of human-land relationship types in Lijiang

  2. 丽江市人地关系发育水平、人地关系历史演变、人地关系各种要素对旅游地质资源的开发与保护具有显著的作用;

    The level , evolvement and various constituents of human-land relationship have significant effect on the development and protection of tourism geological resources in Lijiang .

  3. 丽江是纳西人的聚居地,纳西族拥有迷人的文化,比如世界上唯一活着的像形文字。

    The area is the home of the Naxi minority , natives whose fascinating culture includes the world 's last living hieroglyphic language .