
Xī wáng mǔ
  • Queen Mother of the West
西王母 [xī wáng mǔ]
  • [Xi Wang Mu (Hsi Wang Mu,Queen Mother of the West)] 中国古代神话中的女神,住在昆仑山的瑶池,她园子里的蟠桃,人吃了能长生不老。通称王母娘娘

  1. 神话昆仑与西王母原相

    Mythical Kunlun and the Queen Mother of the West Determination of Oxamyl by HPLC PHASE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE

  2. 昆仑丘与西王母以及与之有关联的众多神话人物,构成中国神话的一个庞大家族。

    The Kunlun Hills , the Queen Mother of the West , along with numerous myths and legends , constitute a major unit in the Chinese mythology .

  3. 西王母神话与中原文化的交融

    The Blending of the Western Mother Queen Myth and the Central Culture

  4. 西王母神话传说研究

    The Study of Myth and Tale about Hsi Wang Mu

  5. 西王母神话的本土渊源

    The Native Origin of the Western Queen Mythology

  6. 汉代西王母与东王公神话的历史考察

    A Historical Survey of the Myths about West Queen and East Duke in Han Dynasties

  7. 论中国神话中的西王母

    West Queen in Chinese Myth

  8. 第二章主要对先秦时期西王母神话传说仙化原因进行阐释。

    The second chapter explains the cause of immortal changes of myth and tale about Hsi Wang Mu .

  9. 据遗留的文献和图像记载,胜这一型模是西王母的典型配饰。

    According to documents and images recorded legacy ," Sheng " is the typical accessories of the " west queen " .

  10. 西王母神话与青海环湖民族原始审美观

    On the Myth of the Queen Mother of the west and the Original Aesthetic Standards of a Nation around Qinghai Lake

  11. 第一章着重分析中原农耕文化和岁时文化对西王母神话传说的影响;

    The first chapter stress the influence of the agricultural and Suishi culture upon the myth and tale about Hsi Wang Mu .

  12. 东王公与西王母相会传说来源于战国时周穆王与西王母的故事。

    It is said that this legend originated from the stories about King Muwang and West Queen in the warring States Period .

  13. 从西王母形象的演变谈起&试论中国古代小说发展中人的主题强化现象

    From the changes of the Queen Mother of the West & On the theme of man intensification in the development of the ancient Chinese novels

  14. 可是在中国最早的神灵谱系中,西王母相貌狰狞凶恶,并且掌管的恰恰是死亡。

    But in China the earliest gods pedigree , the " west queen " looks hideous evil , and it is precisely the charge of death .

  15. 作为羌戎部族早期文化心理产物的西王母神话传说,它的仙话化演变是羌戎部族灵魂不灭的原始宗教思想影响下的产物;

    Hsi Wang Mu 's immortal changes are outcome which was influenced by the thinking of immortal anima belonged to the primal faith of Qiang Rong tribe .

  16. 因此,西王母完全是东方本土文化的产物,源于东方的神仙道教信仰。

    Therefore , the Western Queen is definitely the offspring of the eastern native culture . She originates from the gospel of the supernatural being and the Taoism .

  17. 通过地母功能的分化看待魏晋文士在西王母形象身上蕴含的双重矛盾心理,即渴求建功立业与向死而生的尘世超脱。

    V , looking upon the double ambivalence contained in the image of Hsi Wang Mu by functional differentiation , as desire of contributions and transcending the world .

  18. 本文在前人研究的基础上,论证西王母有三类:一是历史上确曾存在过的人;

    Based on the forerunners research , the author of this paper deems that Xiwangmu had the three categories : that is , the person who was present in history ;

  19. 厚(见进一步就厚,她的故事里),寻求永久的青年,得到了内丹术不朽的从西王母谁住在昆仑山。

    Houyi ( see further on the story Houyi She Ri ), seeking perpetual youth , obtained the elixir of immortality from Queen Mother of the West who lived in the Kunlun Mountains .

  20. 西王母的传说最早见于战国文献,而西王母与东王公一并被祀奉则发生在东汉时期。

    The legend of West Queen was first seen in the literature of the Warring States Period , but the fact that both West Queen and East Duke receive offerings occurred in the East Han Dynasty .

  21. 上编主要以原生态式的把握方式为研究方法,力图在人类早期文化心理的层面,对西王母神话传说中西王母神格演变轨迹和演变原因做出分析。

    The first volume makes an analysis about cause and evolution of myth and tale about Hsi Wang Mu by the way of the " Aboriginal Grasping ", which is on the scope of human cultural psychology .

  22. 第三章主要是《汉武故事》中的钩弋夫人、西王母、青鸟、颜驷三世不遇这四个具有较强影响和吸引力的典故故事研究。

    The second chapter mainly reserches the four stories of gou yi fu ren and xi wang mu and qing niao and yan si san shi bu yu which have more influences and attractions in the novel .

  23. 西王母在中国古代历史和神话中是一位重要的传说人物,有关西王母的原型形象一直是人们讨论的一个话题。

    The Queen Mother of the West is an important legend figure in the ancient history and myths of China , people have discussed this question involved the prototype of the Queen Mother of the West all the time .

  24. 第二章以西王母神话传说中月和虎文化内涵为研究重点,对西王母神格特征中的生育、繁殖象征进行阐释;

    The second chapter explains significations of bearing and reproduction about Hsi Wang Mu 's godhood , which lays emphasis on the cultural meaning of " moon " and " tiger " of myth and tale about Hsi Wang Mu .