
kōng hóu
  • Harp;konghou, an ancient plucked stringed instrument;harp, an ancient plucked stringed instrument
箜篌 [kōng hóu]
  • [harp,an ancient plucked stringed instrument] 古代来自西域的译词。一种拨弦乐器,弦数因乐器大小而不同,最少的五根弦,最多的二十五根弦,分卧式和竖式两种。琴弦一般系在敞开的框架上,用手指拨弹

箜篌[kōng hóu]
  1. 今晚,让我们一起欣赏青年演奏家李彦歌的箜篌独奏:《清明上河图》。

    Tonight , let 's enjoy together the harp solo by the young performer Li Yange : Clear and Bright Upper River Picture .

  2. 《琵琶行》是白居易极负盛名的诗歌。《琵琶行》与《李凭箜篌引》中音乐描写之比较

    Pipa Xing was Bai Juyi 's famous poem . A Comparison between the Music Description in Pi Pa Xing and Li Ping Kong Hou Yin