
  1. 东西方文化交流的历史见证&论北魏龙门石窟艺术

    The Testimony of History in Cultural Exchanges between West and China & On the Artistic Features of the Longmen Grottoes in the Northen Wei Dynasty

  2. 在北魏洛阳地区佛教石窟中,虎头寺属于典型的民间义邑造像。

    The statues in Hutou Temple is the typical statues made by the folk Buddhism society of the Northern Wei Dynasty Buddhist Grottoes in Luoyang .

  3. 本文通过对北魏中晚期云冈石窟与龙门石窟中具有代表性的窟龛造像的对比研究,来探讨北魏中晚期各种文化的交融。

    By means of comparatively studying the representational caves sculptures of the Yugang Grottoes and the Longmen Grottoes , this paper probes the communication of the varies kinds of culture during the middle and late of Northern Wei Dynasty .